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Everything posted by Srce

  1. Srce

    MZ-NF810 Problem!!!

    I did all of that, but the problem DOES NOT SEEM to lie within the software. Granted SS1.5 and below is the shittiest piece of Software I have ever come across, but that's not the problem. When the process of me getting those songs on there was interrupted, I think it triggered some kind of problem with the unit itself. It's like it's stuck halfway between worlds and doesn't know what to do. Like an unfinished download which you try to continue, and it'll work with a good download manager. But if you move the half done file to a new location and try to continue the download, you get an error. The disc inside my 810 has been spining continuously for almost 1 hour now, and it just won't stop until I pull the battery out. What the hell could be wrong?
  2. Hi guys, recently I've started having this problem with my NetMD Recorder. I was using SS one night to transfer some songs onto a disc real quick before I had to go out, and SS froze up on me. I couldn't get it to shut down, and it froze before the last song was transfered. I couldn't get it unfrozen and couldn't stop the 810 from doing it's thing so I forcefully quit SS and my 810 just wouldn't stop spinning the disc. If I pressed a button, it would say "BUSY", so I had to take the battery out to keep it from doing that all night long. When I woke up the next morning, I figured I'd try and see if I can fix the problem, so I slid the battery back into the unit and it worked fine. But none of the songs SS was putting on there were recorded. I tried re-recording those songs in SS again, and it would do the same thing. Spin the disc repeatedly for a second or two at a time and then stop. Now it'll work for a few minutes, and it'll do that sh*t again and there's nothing I can do about it. I tried different recording devices like Real One player and it did the same thing. I tried using a different MD and it still does it. Please help, I'm dying without my 810.
  3. Worked like a charm, thanks a million. woot
  4. Hi, I just got my first ever MiniDisc anything and I'm totaly in love. I originaly wanted an MP3 player with Memory Stick capability but only Sony makes those and they're just way to expensive and don't offer nearly as many options and amenities as my new NF-810. So, I've talked to a friend of mine who's an MD expert and he was touching on a subject about making virtual CD's out of MP3 tracks and using Simple Burner to get that V-CD onto the MD. I HATE SonicStage (Sony Laptop, so I have plenty of experiance with this software) so this sounds like a great idea. Unfortuantly he's not able to ecplain to me how to do it, so I'm looking for your help. I just used SB for the first time yesterday (this is my 4th day of NetMD ownership) and I loved it. I burned 4 CD's onto the included Disc. Any help would be apreciated since it took me over 30 minutes to burn 13 songs to that same Disc using SUCKINGStage.
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