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    making music, hearing music, watching music

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  1. wow... what a find! this is perfect... and i certainly CAN wait until april, so this is the answer. thanks so much for the spot! for everyone interested, i found the press release at http://news.sel.sony.com/pressrelease/4270
  2. yeah, thats what i thought... the analog line out may function ok, because i would need to dump all the samples into an editing program either way, but it just seems a little heavy handed. mp3 players make this easy, but im weary of their usability in recording, and id prefer a removable media. the deck would be perfect, 'cept im trying to travel light, and there would be power issues too... i wonder if a non-netMD player would be better for this kind of thing. isnt netMD really just about copyright protection? thankfully i have a little bit of time to think about it. thanks so much for your time majestic...
  3. hi, im looking for an MD player to begin collecting samples to use in music, and also to keep an audio journal during an upcoming trip through europe (yay)... ive been looking at the sharp MD-DR480 and the Sony MZN-F810. both look like they're great recorders, but i would need a digital output to get the sounds back on my PC, right? (the sharp has a "Line output: 250mV (-10dB time) (10K Omega)" but im not sure what that means...) how do tapers get concerts off of their MDs? is there a slick drag and drop interface on any MDs?
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