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  1. Thanks mate, I checked in the tracks even though the actual cd's weren't on my computer anywhere. But thanks for the help anyway
  2. I tried to erase an entire disc of music on my N10 by using the Edit button and then erase disc but it says that the tracks are protected, (I'm using Sonicstage 1.5 by the way). I can't 'check in' the tracks on the disc due to computer problems so is there another way to erase a disc completely?? Thanks in advance :smile:
  3. Hey people, I was wondering if any of you know of a good site that ships to the UK that sells Hi-Fi systems with a minidisc drive as well as radio, cd etc??
  4. Hey guys, I love the new look of the forum by the way, but anyway, to my question. I play guitar in a band and have to write lead and rhythm parts to songs. Now seeing as you can't play two guitars at the same time, listening to see if the 2 parts sound good together is difficult. I was thinking of getting a fairly standard mic to record the rhythm part so i can listen to it and then play the lead over the top. I want a fairly good mic but nothing really expensive because this will be all i use it for. Unfortunately I'm a bit of a newb when it comes microphones so I was wondering if one of you guys could help me out here. :smile: Oh, I have an N10 by the way
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