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Everything posted by Sbetsho

  1. "so stock up if you need a supply." What's the point?
  2. How much you can put groups inside groups? or can you do that at all? like this: Artist - albums from 1994 to 1997 - album - single
  3. wth!? No, your MiniDisc player will not play the new Hi-MD discs. end of story.
  4. By the By, Sbetsho, I consider 48kbps no better or no worse than LP4, and 64kbps A3plus to be better than LP4. So use your judgment on that. I happen to like HiLP (64kbps) and LP2 and HiSP sounds pretty damn nice. Wow.. thanks.
  5. about the tests.. when I listen songs in LP4 mode with the earphones that came with the minidisc, they sound okay, but when I tried other headphones, they sound horrible.. perhaps this was a factor in those tests. also, when I hook my minidisc on stereos and play LP4 songs through big speakers, it sounds just fine, altough I'm not able to listen very loudly because of my neighbors. I then might be deaf, but I don't notice much difference between SP and LP4.. LP4 sounds flatter and not so dynamic, but it doesn't suck. but then, I'm not used to hi-tech devices and hi-fi sounds, like most of you apparently do, so I understand that you think that even LP2 sucks (for me it sounds every bit as good as SP) I heard that there are people that thinks even Linear PCM quality sucks.. now that's insane. But then I guess I'm that kind of type, that doesn't care so much about the sound quality, the songs are almost as enjoyable in LP4 (it certanly doesn't sound 4 times worse than SP) as it is in SP quality (but not much worse than LP4 is too bad even for me, and I hope 48kbps Atrac3plus isn't that bad)
  6. What are the exact recording times of each bitrates? I'm mostly interested of Hi-SP, Hi-LP and 48kbps
  7. Great.. as I mainly listen to pop and techno, and so far LP4 has been good enough for me. but if 48kbps is THAT bad, I'm wondering why did Sony even include it..
  8. jadeclaw, how does (in your opinion) 48 atrac3+ perform against 66 atrac3? This is all that matters to me.
  9. When I first tested LP4 back in 2001, I was dissapointed, but somehow I got used to it very quickly and nowadays I don't even notice any quality-issues, and especially when I'm going out for walk, it sounds great. Well, not fantastic, but it certanly doesn't "suck". However, I'm dissapointed that Atrac3+ apparently isn't that good as Sony has stated, or is it? I guess I have to find out it myself later.. I think, if 48kbps Atrac3+ is on par with LP4, then I'm very satisfied.
  10. oh yeah, other question: How good is the 48 kbps quality? Compaired to LP4 Atrac3 ?
  11. Cool.. I have one small question: How does it show the All remain time? mmmm:ss or hh:mm:ss ?
  12. I only wish I'd understand anything from that
  13. I made some math and I'm a bit confused... Sony states that on a Hi-MD you can record up to 7h55min = 475 min on Hi-SP 256 kbps and 45h = 2700 on 48kbps.. but this doesn't fit.. 256/48 = 5,3333... and 475 min*5,3333... = 2533,3333... = ~42+h am I missing something here?
  14. how does the 48 kbps atrac3+ sound compaired to LP4 (66 kbps atrac3)? I know that Sony has estimated it about equal, but I want more opinions
  15. This wouldn't be a problem even in a slightest for me, I would have zero use of old discs when I'd have new 2 GB discs. damn
  16. ah man, it would be so cool to be able to buy 2 GB or even 4.7 GB minidisc players
  17. 475 minutes on Hi-SP (256 kbps Atrac3+) (CD-Quality) 1900 minutes on Hi-LP (64 kbps Atrac3+) (should be slightly better than 128 kbps mp3) and around 2533 minutes on 48 kbps Atrac3+, if it is at least as good quality as LP4 (66 kbps Atrac3) then I'm satisfied. I have used my minidiscs only for recording music to the discs and playing them, no live-recordings for years... the audio quality is very good.
  18. 1. I have used LP4 for even 128 kbps mp3's and I think they are just fine, so HI-LP will be somewhat better, of course not everyone will be satisfied, but I think the quantity compensates the loss of quality very well. 4. If it is same as in old MD-devices (which I strongly believe it is), then it will recharge the battery inside the MD-device. 5. If you record them manually, then yes, not sure about special type of mp3's that are being recorded via sonicstage, but most mp3's will transfer just fine (first being converted to Atrac3+ of course)
  19. why there is no possibility to record manually at 48 kbps? I don't like to fast download tracks from PC to my minidisc I rather record tracks manually, and then edit them manually later.. I don't mind using several days for recording and editing one disc to make it just the way I want it.
  20. How about Europe release?
  21. from the very beginning of Hi-MD announcement I have been thinking that 800 is quite perfect for me... it has all I need and is nicely priced..
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