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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. Well I accidently had my MZ510 dropped and since then everytime I try to play any minidisc cassett it says "ERROR" and not plays the cassett. Anything to make this thing work? I ran out of warranty... thanks
  2. Thank you all, that was helpful
  3. I own a 510 mz sony unit, using senn MX 450 earphones. what do you mean FFDshow? where can I find info about this?
  4. I assume it's not necessary to uninstall the whole codec pack. simply look for last modified files with an *.ax ending. if you would mention your codec pack I could give a more focused answer.
  5. How can I avoid the flat sound on the minidisc after I transfer songs? Can I EQ the tracks before I transfer?if yes, then how? any program available?
  6. Muhahahahahahah PROBLEM SOLVED The problem was with the codecs. I had this lionheard codec pack and as soon as I uninstalled it ,ss worked fine during playback of mp3's imports.(strange that the last time i've done it the problem didn't go away..) well i installed another pack and same old same. then i renamed one file hidden in windows/system32 direction ,with an ending of ax, to bak and it seems to work fine!
  7. As a continuation to the previous post: Problems with SS Well, the problem is still there. nothing changed except that I've noticed that there are more or less 5 tracks that this problems does not appear in. it's important to mention that these tracks are no different than the other ones. therefor i'm asking for an alternatives for SS cause i had enough of this disfunctional program series.(sorry SS fans, this program does suck) anyone got any? bytheway, I've attached two samples to this post. one named Sample_nonss, it indicates on how the track sounds like with winamp, outside of SS. the second one named Sample_ss ,indicates on how it sounds in sonic stage when "imported" i'm sure as hell you'll find the difference thanks. Sample_ss.mp3 Sample_nonss.mp3
  8. How do I like the sound? Well, to be honest, I chose those based on reviews or even user advises when I even hadn't tried them atall. going on blind. After a close lookup with this pair, I was pretty amazed of the sound quality overall, though there are a few lacks. On the senn MX450 you really don't have much of bass, it really gets annoying sometimes, for me atleast. my ear ache a bit after consistent use. Now,with the HD497 the sound quality again had this thing you would probably like if you were using a pair of cheap sony headphones before, that cost 5 bucks the most. the sound again is a bit without much of bass, but its nothing like the MX450. on the 497 you can hear that frequencies that you normaly don't. even the static huss of Mp3's can be heard one this headphones. Maybe it will sound to you a little enthusiastic, but don't forget it's my first advanced set of headphones, and hopefully will last a long time. Overall i'm happy with what I bought and I do recommend it.:-) both cost me under 80 bucks by the way.
  9. A Senn HD 497 and a Senn MX450 High quality photos
  10. Can you please provide a link to the 3.0 Ver of SS?
  11. thanks for the reply. I have a really nice pc rack, so running applications like sonic stage is not a problem(I'm mixing music on this computer, which takes alot more resources i think). as i said before, when i'm importing music to a playlist, and i try to play the playlist while it's on the hard-drive, and the music seems to falter. I think it's a software problem, but where?I tried both versions of ss, 1.5 and 3.3 and both suck with this problem. thanks.
  12. Newsflash! I tried to play the playlist and i've noticed the cracked and faltered sound i've been experiencing before on the minidisc itself. what should I do? I already tried to build a new playlist, and on winamp,the songs sound right. Help!!
  13. Hey. When I play music on my MZ 510 or on the pc through Sonic Stage I just get a large part of tracks that falter. I was using SS1.5 that came with the minidisc for a while and had no problems until a message appeared saying there was an error and the program needs to close. it happened when i started transfering a large group of files into my minidisc and not one by one. then I installed SS3.3. The error message didn't seem to appear, though when I finished transfering the music on to the minidisc(with the SS3.3) I couldn't hear normaly music. The music was too off quality even for an SP4 transfering rate. (I compared it to an old minidisc with several same songs i have recorded in the past with Sp4). Moreover the most annoying probelm is that the music was faltering. it was impossible to listen. though this hadn't happen to all of the tracks yet to a big collection of them. Hoping for someone to come with an idea, because I already had thoughts running in my head about selling the minidisc and buying an MP3 player in the future. thanks.
  14. I've downloaded the new version of Sonicstage and i'm experiencing some problems.. It says me that my device is not connected when i open the "transfer" window . in windows device manager tells that my NetMd is working fine.. i just don't get it how the device can possibaly "not connected" help me please.. thanks..
  15. Ya..I understand(: just didn't see the sticky's there,I thought it's an Admin rules thread or something..
  16. Hey,I did a Format on my pc and i need to record to a several minidiscs.. now,I heard that there are better programs to use to get your audio on minidisc than the SonicStage provided in the cd with the minidisc when you buy it. Is there a good software for free? thanks.
  17. Damn it! I Was that hoping for such program.. I Don't belive if people can hack the most protected programs..and still no one didn't hack this program(sonic stage)..I don't know what SONY people were thinking.
  18. will it work? I found several people saying they are looking for some program that will allow them to get the music to thier pc in MP3 Format. They said that SONY blocked that ability so none untill anyone will hack it..it wouldn't be possible to copy the music on the hard-drive.. =.
  19. Hey,so here is my story: A few months ago i wrote here some suggestion requests Of buying an Net-MD. Well,I finally bought a MZ-510 type S. Anyhow..my hard-drive space is very little and i was thinking if there is a way to download the files on my MD-cd's to my PC.. Can it be? thanks :smile:
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