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    MD's, Hi-MD's, Sony Products, MP3's, Japan, cyber culture and cyber punk

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Consider getting the sony arm band MD holder. Or some non sony holder like the shoulder strap ones.
  2. mylesdyson

    MD titles

    Hey guys I would like to ask you guys and gals out there do you have any suggestions for MD titles. I'm looking thru my collection and I'm seeing the same generic titles. Come one come all, could I get some list of differnt tiltes of music. Thanks
  3. I have a n707 and I did'nt pay 118 for it even when it was new (80 us). talk him down, but the n707.
  4. I find that regardless of Japan, HK or even Korea. If you were to go into different moma-san and papa-san shops. Barter with the shop keeper in some cases you can come off with a couple of steals.
  5. Where to go is simple, in the states it's Sams club, Ultimate Electronics, Best Buy and Circuit city. Now if those places are'nt close order online. And what to get is Sony products. Dollar for dollar or yen or what ever Sony discs for Sony products for me work better. Hit me back if you need anything. myles_dyson@hotmail.com
  6. I work for TSA (Transportation Security Admin). With that said your MD discs and equipment are safe and won'nt be compronised while being xrayed. Now if you think that it might or have a inch of worry. Ask your screener to hand check you MD for you ok. mylesdson
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