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Hello, I was thinking of purchasing the RH1, and I already have the 1st gen NH900. For those that might have experience, I am interested in sound quality and was wondering if there a difference in sound quality and is it enough to maybe justify the expenditure? I don't care about MP3 playback. For the most part I just normally rip my newly purchased CD as PCM onto the minidisc so I can listen to them at the office. At the office I will be using my newly bought Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro or the Shure E500 and the Headroom Micro Amp. I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks, -- Sanjay
You can get Panasonic gumstick batteries rated at 1350 mah for $20 Canadian at Future Shop. I got one last year. -- Sanjay
It's all good. I like it. What I like the best (more of a convenience thing) is having a coax input. The CD player I have next to it only has a coax output (no toslink). So I've had to use this Coax to Optical converter previously to feed my older JE530 Deck. Plus I find music does sound somewhat better when I use the 930 as an external DAC. The VC filters are interesting. -- Sanjay
Just wondering if there is a way to not have the deck apply the filter. I wante to try and listen without it to do some comparisons between my CD player and the VC filter and then compare with the VC filter enabled. I haven't found any information that tells me this is possible, so maybe it isn't, but if someone knows please let me know as well. Thanks, -- Sanjay
Paid $125 CAD for it (about 75 US), plus the seller gave me twenty blanks (straight from Japan) which are still shrink wrapped (although I didn't really need any more blanks). The blanks alone would cost me still about $90 CAD even today... The deck is from 1999. On the box it says shipped to the store from Sony on Aug. 11/1999. I already have the JE530 deck (for which I paid significantly more 5 years ago), but for the price and some of the reviews I had read I had to just get it. I plan to use it mostly as an outboard DAC, and some recording, although I don't do recording as much anymore. I already have decent CD players (Cambridge Audio D500 in my headphone setup and Rotel 961 in my stereo setup), so I am hoping the 930 will make some improvement when used in the role of an outboard DAC. Plus I like having the coax in/out which the 530 does not. Can't wait to get home and try it out. -- Sanjay
I have 2 computers. Both have XP and SP2. Sonic stage and Simple Burner work perfectly fine on the kids computer upstairs. On my computer where I want it to work, it always randomly after a minute maybe 2 reboots my computer without warning. And I just rebuilt my computer recently. Have given up on the software working on my machine (after pulling out my hair). But I still like MD. I have about 200 discs so I figuered a NH900 would be worth it. And I got it at a good price $330 CAD. And being a gadget junky, I just had to get it. But I will leave it now mostly for recording concerts (because SonicStage completly bites). I use my iRiver iHP140 and Rio Karma for portable playback. Being a software developer myself, I know it's not always easy to write good software. But there is no excuse for how bad SS is in my opinion. -- Sanjay
I picked up my 900 from A&B Sound in Edmonton Alberta on Friday the 20th. Not sure if I am keeping it just yet.
I have been using MD for about 5 years and never believed in MP3 and wouldn't touch an MP3 player if I was offered money. At least till now. I still have my mz-r90, and m N10 which I will continue wo use and will get a HiMD unit soon after they hit the shelves. In the meantime, I could no longer ignore the high capacity offerings of MP3 players. I had to try them out. I tried the iPod, Zen Xtra and the iRiver iHP-120. Finally I settled and am getting the iHP-140. After having listened to my N10 and the same on my iRiver encoded with either ogg vorbis or mp3 lame, the N10 does not have any advantage in sound quality. They all sound wonderful. The iPod and the Zen also sounded wonderful. I know everyone has their own hearing and hears differently but some people say that the MD has far superior sound. This is simply not the case. There may be differences, and you are free to like one representation over another but to say the MD is far superior is not right. For me the MD was not meeting a specific need which I had been ignoring thinking I will not get the sound quality. Well that is no longer the case. The issue for me is that I like to have as much of my music with me as I can so I can pick something with my mood. With the iRiver I have less chance of forgetting a favourite at home when I head out to work. Also, I can simpy rip any new CDs I buy and some existing CDs as WAVs and I am good for a while. Even with MDs I always would pick a few CDs to take with me to work. Now my CDs remain safe at home. I have about 1500 CDs in my collection, growing at a steady clip, and I can't put them all to a MD because of the cost, but I can have a large number of my favourites with me all the time on the iRiver. So as other have mentioned they serve different needs. I need both. So don't just discount the HD players. If you haven't tried out the higher end HD players, then do so. I liberally often take advantage of the 30 day return policy from my local stores to try out new things.