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Everything posted by Mashinkun

  1. Blah, it's probably more bs from datavision, but ill wait and see.
  2. I just got a e-mail from datavision saying that my order of the MZ-NH1 will ship out in 3~5 business days. Eventhoug I got the e-mail, Im still doughtful about the avaliablity of the item, I'll believe it when I get the tracking number and recieve the item I'll keep my fingers crossed till then ;p
  3. nooh... my birthday is in June.. was hoping to get it in time.. sigh.. late July? maybe in time for my bros b-day then xD
  4. Since didn't buy any walk man, mp3 player or any new MD's since the old MD player I baught a while back, I decided to spoil my self and get the NH-MZ1, I like the metal casing and sleek look. Now I just hope ill get the unit in June from datavison, intime for my birthday maybe ? xD
  5. well? did you get the tracking number ?
  6. Hearing the news, I called datavision my self and the sales told me " The item you ordered ( MZ-NH1 ) is not instock, and will be in in about 2~3 weeks " Blah.. last time I called they told me this week or nxt.. and now it's 2~3 weeks, which will bring the date back to May. I'll wait and see what happends, but if some other site has them instock before datavision, im canceling the order with them
  7. I never baught anything from there before, the Hi MD would be the 1st one. They seem be be VERY slow at replying e-mails, I must of sent over 6 e-mails in the past 2 weeks asking questions on Hi-MD, and also to cancel the 1st transaction I baught. So far, NO replies at all, Ill just give them a call on Monday nxt week and speak to the sales, they are pretty quick at picking up the phones last tiem I called ;p
  8. Woah.. that little trick at datavis saved me $70+ thanks for the tip ;p When I spoke to the sales on Monday about my MZ-NH-1 pre-order, he told me they are getting new shipments in on wendsday or sometimes next week. Again, Im not hoping for it until I see the tracking number
  9. Im interisted in purchasing a pair of minipod speakers from Blue Room http://www.techtronics.com/uk/shop/657-blu...d-speakers.html Since the specs on them are a bit vague, I was wondering if anyone owned a pair or know of someone that has them who can help me with the following question. 1) Is it possible to hook the speakers up to a laptop using some sort of external sound card ? 2) Will these speakers work for stero decks? for example a Sony CD deck or a MD deck ?
  10. Just got off the phone with the sales, and they said the MZ-NH1 is now back ordered, they had a few instock, and new shipment will arrive on Wendsday ( 7th ) , or next week. Im not keeping my hopes up until I get a tracking number for the shipped item. I'll post if I get a tracking number XD
  11. So the release date is April? so maybe my order at datavision will arrive nxt week ? >_<
  12. I got a e-mail from them saying it was being processed. but I will call them on monday to make sure.
  13. ahh.. I had my doughts aslo, but Ill see xD
  14. Since the item was listed as avaliable in April, maybe it was automaticaly switched to " In stock " on April 1st. To be on the safe side, I just placed an order for the NH-1, I'll post if it gets shipped nxt week
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