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  1. If my memory serves me correctly, I think Sony dabbled in the idea using mini-disc for a video recording media...Probably 4 or 5 years ago. I wonder with the invention of Hi-MD, Sony will take another crack at it??? :wink: :happy:
  2. 20 groups?? :ohmy: :ohmy: that would be rediculous.. if we can put 45 hours on one disc, I would at LEAST want to put up to 45 groups...1 for each album...I hope this is not true..
  3. Thanks jadeclaw....very informative great link.
  4. I Forgot..The reason why I am asking this is because I have a laptop for work that I am "technically" not supposed to use for personal things. So this is a great solution for me to store my personnal photos/videos etc on the Hi-MD instead of on the hard drive.
  5. Ok as we now know, we can use Hi-MD as an external storage device/drive. When we connect it to the USB port it should show up in "My Computer" as a drive. Now my question is...Can I stream lets say a video clip stored on the disc itself to play on the computer OR do I have to first copy it to the hard drive first to play it. What I am getting at here is what kind of access speed can the MD UNIT itself accomplish? Is it going to be fast enough to be able to stream video or lets even say files stored as mp3?? I hope I am making sense here.. :wacky:
  6. You know, I think you answered my question, or I did myself without even realizing it. DUH!! I guess it all depends on what format I download these files in (Or save as..) If it's Mp3 or Wav then i'm golden. SWeeeet.. So I can see many hours and hours of Audio books on one single Hi-MD since for spoken word content quality is not as important as iy is with music.. Once again thanks... :laugh: :laugh: :grin:
  7. Thanks, BUT.... I know how to do it the old school way of recording at real time, but I guess the real question is when we download an audio book at for instance audible.com, will sonic stage be able to encode that format, whatever it may be for the minidisc. Example.. the Ipod so I here can accept the audio books directly from Itunes.. Please help!!!!
  8. First of all Hi ALL Been to this site many times for info over the years...Good Job!! I have been with MD from the start.. Old School, New School MDLPNetMD and will of course go to HiMD. I have resisted the whole Mp3 thing to stick with my MD's but I have recently got into listening to audio books. Now I know these players are compatable with Mp3, WMA, Wav etc.. through Sonic Stage, but what Audio book formats will be compatable? And how will they interface? Thanks..
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