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Everything posted by otter

  1. Yes, I have done that, but only when working on something more complete. The TE really is an amazing machine. It's at the beginning stage that I wanted to find a way to capture ideas. What I've started doing is recording with the sequencer (metronome off since it's a free-form idea dump) and saving the performance as a standard MIDI file since I really only want the performance data. I can then write it to CF card, or plug my RH1 into the USB port as a drive (awesome that it works!) and copy it to my Mac. From there I can drag the MIDI file into Garageband to get a rough display of the notation. Sometimes I don't get back to these ideas for weeks or months, so if I forget what notes I played I can reconstruct/refresh my memory from looking at the notes. After recording with the sequencer I can also hook up the RH1 via optical cable or Line In and play the sequencer recording into it - essentially what I did before, but now I also have the data saved. Best of both worlds. Another cool thing I discovered, though it's probably common knowledge, is that the sync play also works via audio cable into Line In. It won't pause the recording like optical does, but it will start a new track as soon as you begin playing again. I can always chop off the blank spaces later with Audacity.
  2. I hear ya. I'm nowhere near figuring it all out.
  3. I too am experiencing this frustration. After looking through both the RH1 and Hi-MD Transfer for Mac manuals, I see nothing mentioning a limit on optical transfers to the Mac. Seriously annoying!! I have Parallels and the transfers work fine (though agonizingly slow), which makes no sense if it's a DRM issue. I'm using a Korg Triton Extreme with the RH1 via optical cable to record musical ideas and the sync feature is wonderful for pausing the recording when there's no sound. But I don't see the point of having to jump through the extra hoops when those hoops are made available on the PC. So much for that better-late-than-never Mac support.
  4. There's a replacement cable at AudioCubes for $25. Does anyone know for sure if this provides a charge as well as a data connection on the DH10P? I've seen references that it does, but when plugging my cable directly into the DH10P there's no indication of a charge or a way to initiate one as on my other MD units. Thanks. http://www.audiocubes.com/product/Sony_MZ-NH1_USB_Cable.html
  5. Thanks for looking into this emeb and others. Your efforts are appreciated. It would be nice to not have to buy another unit so soon after buying my RH10 just to get Mac upload capability. I would have waited a few months, but who woulda guessed that Sony would finally support Macs - in any way - after 13 years?! I use both Mac and Win so I'm fine, but I feel for you Mac-only folks, especially those with the RH.
  6. Yeah, this is exactly what they (and I) are trying to do. I have the RH10 and have both PCs and Macs and was hoping I could use the "M" software with the RH10, but my mic PCM recordings only appear as greyed-out titles. @#$%!!! On the plus side, I can use the RH10 as a data drive on both the Mac and PC and the Mac played/opened data, music and video files it recognized with no problems. Transfer is v e r y s l o w, but at least it works.
  7. I was very pissed off when I got home with my RH10 today only to find it had no cradle and a cheap remote. My fault for looking at the pictures (Japanese models, obviously) and not reading closer, but why can't Sony charge a little more and throw that stuff in? STUPID!
  8. Here are some pics showing the hump and backside: From the side standing on one side: The back: The bottom while standing on its top: Laying flat on a table, from the side:
  9. First the easy reply: It comes with 2.0 (see below).
  10. I picked one up in the LA area (Lawndale) Friday night. A place called Video & Audio Center on Hawthorne Blvd. $247.97 + tax. They don't have any blank Hi-MD discs, however. Be on the lookout!
  11. My bad. The Nero trick DOES work. My emulated CD was larger than standard, but once I made it fit within normal CD limits it worked fine. Can't wait to get more of these discs.
  12. NH600D is there already, at least in Southern California. $199.
  13. It's already for sale in the US at Target, believe it or not. My jaw dropped when I saw it in the store in Cypress, CA Friday, but I didn't get it because I want the Top 'O The Line. But I went back to the Torrance, CA store Friday night and picked it up anyway. $199. FYI, it was on display in Cypress, but I had to ask for it in Torrance. Pretty cool stuff, but it doesn't let you do the Nero trick. It gives a "CD Drive check has failed" error (at least for me). Gonna try tweaking Virtual Daemon. But from an actual CD, the process was FAST and flawless, which I couldn't say about SB 1.
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