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Everything posted by Gino

  1. They didn't have the 1 g discs yet. We tend to get things later here in the midwest.
  2. Found them at the Fry's Electronics today. The 800 and 900 are $249 and $299, respectively. Its about time we saw them in store in the midwest.
  3. Actually, I have done just that w/ Sonicstage 2.0. You can import mp3 files and convert them to atrac for transfer to Hi-MD
  4. I dunno if this helps, but when I got my 600d I began to encode all my cd's to ss 2 in lp2 (132 kps). Before I transferred the files, I clicked on the properties button at the bottom left of the MD side of the trnsfer screen. There, I intialized the MD in the recorder (1 gb disc) for Hi-MD. That seemed to allow me to transfer the lp2 files to the MD recorder in Hi-MD mode. Hope that helps.
  5. I have tried it, and feel that Hi-LP isn't as good as LP2. It sounds like the high range freqs are tinny and compressed in Hi-LP. For example, I listen to a lot of classic Jazz, and find that w/ LP2 it sounds fine, but w/Hi-LP the hi hats and cymbal brushes sound warbly.
  6. I went looking for 1 G blanks (still only Walmart, on back order :wacky: ), and found that Best Buy (Countryside, IL) is now carrying the MZ-NH600D. No 1 G blanks though, and no idea if / when they were going to get any.
  7. We can only hope that Sony gets it's act together and includes that functionality in a future software upgrade. We can dream, can't we?
  8. However first you'd have to use SonicStage to encode the music to your hard drive, and then transfer it to the Hi-MD player in Hi-MD mode. I've transferred many discs at 132 kbs this way. Its roundabout but it works.
  9. Also bought last one at a Target in Villa Park, IL. I checked two other local Targets, and found nothing. :grin:
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