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  1. rcastillo

    MD vs CD?

    Greetings, I am a long-time MD user. I am now considering purchasing a MD receiver for my car. I, however, read somewhere that CDs can be burned with ATRAC compression. I don´t know if special hardware is required to do it, or if it´s only a matter of software. I also have no idea how the sound of an ATRAC CD compares to the sound of a LP2 MD. I have a MZ-R500 and a MDs-S50 deck. I also have a CD burner installed on my PC. I would like to hear some opinions about which receiver would you buy and why. Any opinions/suggestions will be much appreciated. Txs much in advance! Randy rcastillo66@hotmail.com
  2. rcastillo


    Greetings, I own a MZ-R700 and a MSD-S50 deck. I want to start recording MDs from my PC through PC Link. I am looking for software that can read a CD and "copy" both the audio and the name of the song to the MD. I have heard of Sonic Stage but it is my understanding that it only works with NetMDs. Any suggestions will be much appreciated. Txs much in advance! Randy.
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