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Everything posted by .Den

  1. Sorry, it isn't America, UK etc. etc, but look at this!! http://www.hifishop.cz/default.asp?CatID=190
  2. I'm sorry, but I don't understand most of things, my english is...bad... Can anyone tell me, in short version, what are you takling about? Thanks...
  3. Hm, I was in that shop... I tried iRiver and the Porpa Pro and Sennheiser PX200. I think iRiver is really good machine; I never had in my hands thing like that, but I very quick understood the controls. If the NH900 won't be at shops before and of holidays (Czech Rep. is as*hole :whatever: ), then I will buy iMP-550. If it will... then I don't know. I like NH900, but it is quite expensive. I can buy 2 and 1/4 iMP-550s for that price!
  4. Yeah, I often don't understand...
  5. Today, I'm going to audio shop and I want to test iRiver iMP-550 + KOSS Porta Pro and Sennheiser PX200 there with my CD... I want to test MZ-NH900 too, but It still isn't in shops.
  6. .Den

    HIM-MD in Ireland

    They has incorrect informations at shops... They told, that Hi-MDs has to be in Czech at half of June, but they still don't sells it.
  7. But do you think, that twice price is not too much for that?
  8. OK... Thanks... Direct question...: Is there any SERIOUS REASON, why pay double price for MZ-NH900? What functions it has for additional against iMP-550? Except for size and Hi-MD. And Hi-MD... Is it really better, than CD? It is smaller - but it cost 15+ (!) times more, than CD. And compatibility - anything can read CD, but Hi-MD can be read only by Hi-MD player. So - can MZ-900 offer MORE than iMP-550, when you take into account, that it costs like 2 iMP-550?
  9. Next questions... 1) Can I use MZ-NH900, respectively Hi-MD medium, like storage disc? I mean to storage any files I want - like video, images, files etc? 2) I think, this is question more for Europeans, than Americans, but who knows... I live in Czech Rep. (it is now in EU) and they are still not sells Hi-MD players here (but very-very soon they have to sell it...). The question is: Can I buy this player from another country (France, Germany etc.) via e-shop? It will be cheaper, so I want to know it...
  10. Oh, sorry, I found it... Btw: Can I delete my posts?
  11. Hmmm..... And, if price of the device will not be the main criterion (I mean, I won't pay $1000000 but $200 or $400 will not be difference), then - what will be better? iMP-550 or MZ-NH900? Sound, functions, comfort, quality etc. etc. etc. And how long, you think, this machines will be ''in'', or in other words - when they will old? After 2 years, 3 years, 5 years, 10 years, until the end of world...? Ehm.
  12. Is there any problems with Hi-MD players? I mean for ex. recording, sound, security, anything...?
  13. Wow, thanks. It is difficult english, but I translated it with my dictionary. :happy: I think, the NH900 is best... But that price... I'm 14, so I haven't got so much money. iRiver will be 2x (!) cheaper than MZ-NH900... NH900 is really cool, but..... I will thinking.
  14. Thanks for the tip but Creative Nomad Jukebox 3 is quite old and big. 2 years and old design...I don't like it. iRiver iMP-550 is smallest CD player, it supports mp3, wma, asf, ogg(!), it's made from magnesium, has 900s antishock memory for mp3, good firmware updates etc... Yes, iRiver's medium is CD, but it isn't so big problem. Third problem with Jukebox 3 is, that it's hard to buy it in Czech. So, if I choose Hi-MD, I have to buy NH800 or NH900? What's the difference between them (and between NH700)?
  15. (Excuse my english please :happy: ) Please, help me with this choose... I want to buy music player and I chose these... iRiver iMP-550 (best CD player, I think) and Sony Hi-MD players (MZ-NH600, 700 etc.). I really don't know, which one choose. iRiver iMP-550 costs (in Czech Republic) 5100 Krone -> $200, Hi-MD players costs: MZ-NH1- 13500 Krone -> $520 MZ-NH900- 11000 Krone -> $430 MZ-NH800- 9000 Krone -> $350 MZ-NH700- I don't know... MZ-NH600- 7500 Krone -> $290 I don't have so much money but for quality I can pay more (but $500 is really very much)... So... I want player with good quality+functions//price rate. And I don't know, which will be better - CD iRiver iMP-550 or Hi-MD Sony MZ-NHxxx. If you have some experience, recommendations, questions or anything else, then please write it, I will be really thankful.
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