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  1. Hi, My NH900 minidisc recorder was flicked off a table onto a tile floor. Now, it won't play. Also, it'll act like it's recording, but once it writes to the disc, it exhibits the same behavior as playing. That is, it clicks, but nothing happens. I assume the shock dislodged something or sent the play/record head out of calibration. Can you please suggest something I could do to try to fix this? I downloaded the service manual, but though I'd ask before taking it apart. Thanks very much for your help. Joel
  2. Hi, I just bought a Canadian Sony N707 MD Player off of E-bay. When I put a brand new mini disc into it, it displays "No Disc" and will not play nor record. It was advertised as 100% working. Ever hear of this problem? There doesn't seem to be much discussion of it on the boards. I've read the user manual and the service manual, to no avail. This is my first MD player, but off hand, it sounds like it could be: - the head needing adjustment - the player needing to be reset (rebooted?) Thanks for any help trying to fix this. Joel
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