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  1. Regardless, that's pretty bad to hear.
  2. Higher data transfer rate. There should be specs lying around. I think... SP/LP2/LP4 works in a similar way? LP4 > SP in battery life? EDIT: Current MD's have 177mb of storage. No idea where I pulled 150mb out from.
  3. I don't know many people who listen to their MD's for more than 27 hours at a time. :happy: And considering that we're moving around 1Gb of data instead of 150mb for the same comparative AA battery, your stats actually show good battery times. But regardless, I'm truly sorry for the people who expected Hi-MD to last 80 hours a day. I bet Sony will be losing a lot of customers from that demographic.
  4. Anyone want to take a punt as to how playlist scrolling will work? Doesn't look touch sensitive like the iPod or Vaio Pocket :sleep:
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