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Everything posted by Latexxx

  1. When you insert an old md (non hi-md) into your unit, you can choose whether you like to use it in netmd mode or in himd mode. If you set it to netmd mode, you can record from analog and digital sources and retain the compatibility with old units. If you use it in himd mode, you can upload old lp2 from your pc but the disc is only playable on himd units. SP recording can only be achieved by using the unit in netmd mode and then recording from analog/digital souces or you can upload LP content from pc and the unit converts it to SP. On the other hand Hi-SP content can be transferred as is.
  2. You can record old disc in both netmd (mdlp) and hi-md mode. If you use the net-md mode, your disc will be playable on all md-lp devices and if you record in sp mode, your disc will play in any md player.
  3. The players record every form of atrac (atrac, atrac3 and atrac3plus). SS allows you to put atrac3 (compatible with hi-md/net-md/md-lp equipment), atrac (actually upsampled atrac3 which sounds pretty bad but works with all md players) and atrac3plus (work with himd) onto a disc. If you want real atrac, not upsampled, you record it using the inputs on your player.
  4. You can select the format even by using SS. There is a drop-down menu which allows you to do the format.
  5. Actually, "amp" or "ampere" should be written using a lower case "a" when you don't use the abbreviation.
  6. You can (dis)attach batteries on the fly. The trick is that the power meter just doesn't update.
  7. Actually, I find SS better than iTunes at least performance-wise. Itunes is utter crap and the slowest program ever on my pentium 3. Even SS kicks the crap out of itunes. But I must admit that itunes has better features and is likely to be much faster on a pentium 4 or athlon 64, but for now it takes almost 2 minutes to start itunes and the lag between clicking and something actually happening must be measured in seconds.
  8. But GB's 1450 mAh stick costs only half of that one's price.
  9. It will probably work in Japanese for everybody.
  10. If you are an extrovert, you can download SS 2.3 from http://mora.jp/help/download_ss.html . You cannot employ this version of Sonicstage unless you have a Japanese installation of Windows! An English version is now available at http://www.connect-europe.com/sonicstage connect.com has an American version available.
  11. You can get 1450 mAh gumstick and attach 2400 (?) mAh external battery but you need to have a charger for the external battery.
  12. It's about 40 meg. Takes something like 2 hours using 56 k modem.
  13. There is no such thing as lossless aac.
  14. http://www.realnetworks.com/company/press/...c_momentum.html
  15. I've considered using some samples from a listening test because anybody can get those samples and repeat the experiment. If you have better samples in mind, I would be more than delighted if you could provide me with a link.
  16. No. Create an image file of an audio cd, mount it using daemon tools (don't burn it), and rip directly to atrac using SS.
  17. I can prepare some digitally recorded samples later today.
  18. Create audio cd images and mount them using daemon tools.
  19. It is easier to record using pc and a portable unit.
  20. By using this method you'll lose the blind feature of this kind of tests.
  21. http://www.rjamorim.com/test/multiformat12...28/results.html It is a subjective double blind listening test. The files are decoded using reference decoders (in the case atrac3, Sonic Stage) and all files are played back on same kind of hardware. Of course it is likely that atrac3 on md sounds different than on your pc but that is due to amps, not some special kind of decoding, so there is really nothing to complain about. If you would like to test atrac on md equipment, you would need to somehow play the other formats on the same to get equivalent results for all formats, and that would be just the same thing than playing on pc. The bitrates are visible on that page too.
  22. It probably lacked atrac3's artifacts which can be clearly heard without even abx'ing and which you were likely to be used to.
  23. It is faster to just rip as atrac3/plus usign SS and then copying files over to md.
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