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  1. wow. nice pics, ishii. but aren't d66s frequency range 10-25000hz? i can't remember. i threw my box away.
  2. daijoubu, tried to "ShowTitleHalf = 1" with ss3, doesn't work. and, Damage, i have both us & ja units (600d & eh1), kana and kaji shows up correctly on the remote. i'm using jap. ss2.3, though.
  3. @ OCedHrt, also, titles show up correctly in tooltips. but after you transfer it to your md, that track becomes "Untitled". i give up already.. but if anyone here wants to give it a shot, please do so. just edit your ss installer ini (setupss.ini): remove line nonsupportoslang =Japanese and change url of dlserver =http://cnt01.labelgate.com/omgx2/player/SS3_0/ good luck.
  4. hello. has anyone tried to install japanese ss3 on an en language machine yet? i just tried but all my japanese songs' titles were messed up. now im back to ss 2.3 for mora
  5. hi. gapless is possible with ss2. i have several non-stop megamixes myself. just be sure to rip it to ss2 from a cd, not from mp3 or wav. or maybe it's your cdrom, just like jadeclaw said.
  6. can US version of NW-HD1 display kanji on main unit?
  7. hey y'all! i tried all your suggestions but nothing was working. i got so frustrated i re-installed xp! now it's working fine again! maybe it's some sort of software conflict. my head still hurts...
  8. hey dex Otaku. it's windowze xp. the error message is "cannot initialize because it was initialized by other program other than sonicstage." but sonicstage's the only program running.
  9. has anyone tried out ss 2.1 yet? it won't read my hi-md format discs.
  10. ohh... a hi-md / mem card reader, gotta get me one of those! i don't think it's gonna cost THAT much, it's just a reader.
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