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Everything posted by poke40g

  1. Who am I ? I've been looking for an answer to that question for 42 years, haven't found it yet. I can tell you what I've been and what I do now, but not who I am. I was a student, dishwasher, janitor, drywaller, treeman( the longest ) now due to lifes little gotchas, I'm a helpdesk tech for a cable ISP I love to drink a few beers now and then, with a shot of Jack Black and drive around listening to my music, not in my car. I know enough now days not to drink and drive in my car. I've met some good people the past couple of years and if they're any indication, I guess they make me a good person too.
  2. Can't wait to see the pics ( I'd like step by step if possible) I can't help it, seeing PC's get put together gives me chills :rasp: . I just want to get my hands in there and help too :grin: I've seen some of the equipment your going to be working with, like your video card cooler(nice). Hope it all goes well.
  3. It has a good simple color scheme, clean sharp look to it. I like it .
  4. :wink: OK, I've read the posts on this subject and I guess I'm showing my age here, but I can't get enough of The Doors ( THE SOFT PARADE, L.A WOMAN) I'm also a big fan of KISS the early stuff, from the live album back. I've also been getting into newer stuff like AUDIOSLAVE and VELVET REVOLVER, the album PROBOT is really good to. In short anything that ROCKS !!!!! :grin:
  5. I"m 42 (going on 18) Just got my MD from a friend, I've had it about a week and am doing much experimenting at the moment. Sony NET-MD MZ-S1
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