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Everything posted by rmbrown

  1. Speaking of "ideals", I bought and installed WinNetMD... Now that's the best $13 I ever spent! I didn't do that first because of "the expense" since I didn't know what it cost and because of the "complicated install" based on the various components that it said had to be installed. I LOVED the concept of "just install it and we'll test it... then you can buy it. I did all that and more. What a GREAT app!
  2. I've read through this thread and learned a lot, but I'm stuck on the last step. I have an MZ-N10 and I have several discs of live music. I've separated most discs into tracks already but I'll be making more in the future and I'm not sure that I want to do my editing on my recorder. That depends on how easy or difficult it is to do on my PC. I read that I could use WinNetMD to record the audio in real-time but preserve the track info on the recorder or that I could record one long track and edit on the PC. I considered WinNetMD for a while but didn't proceed down that path on the assumption that if I had to edit it after the fact, the PC might be easier. I downloaded and installed Audacity and have used it to make an hour long project. I can export this hour to one big MP3 with no trouble, but I'm having trouble coming up with an efficient way to separate this track into the 15 or so that it should really be. The tutorial and help didn't offer much in that direction, but I attempted it on a few tracks by copying them out to a new project and exporting the MP3 from there. Is that really the best way? My dream application would let me run down the long track and place markers along the way to mark the boundaries. Then with a click of a button, it would create the MP3s as "Track 1", "Track 2", etc. Does such a thing exist? Compared to this, editing on the recorder seems the easy way.
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