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  1. The question for me now is:When will Onkyo release a Hi-MD version of their FR-435?
  2. jmg

    Hi-md And Mac

    There is only one (BIG) audio track, regardless it’s in Atrac or PCM, or recorded with an optical or RCA cable or a mic (I tried all the ways). Name is something like ATDATA03.HMA. It’s in a folder named HMDHIFI, with 7 other smaller files. Perhaps there could be a way to open this big file and access the tracks... but it’s probably encrypted. The only thing I did not try is to upload music to the computer. I would not be surprised it would be very slow...
  3. jmg

    Hi-md And Mac

    I have a G5 Dual 1.8. I tried VPC/Windows XP Pro. I would say it’s about 0.3X. Yes it’s three time slower than recording in real time with an optical cable! And SonicStage crashed often after downloading a track or two... The only positive point is that you have automatic track naming with SonicStage. But I prefer the "optical cable" method for the time being. JMG
  4. I received my MZ-NH700 yesterday and tried it this morning. I noticed a strange thing: When I record from a CD using analog cables, the tracks are cut exactly like on the CD. Yet, as far as I can see, the user manual says that SyncRec is possible only with an optical cable. Very strange...
  5. Does anyone konw if you can do this on a Mac with WireTap software, a freeeware by Ambrosia Software? I have a G5 with OS X 10.3.4. Thanks
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