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  1. Try to initialize your Hi-MD in SonicStage. Go to transfers and open the Hi-MD, afterwards you can initialize by clicking first on *information about device/medium" down to the right and then you will see it.
  2. I've got a stationary sharp Minidisc-Recorder MD-R1 and a portable MZ NH900 from Sony. I want to record from analog MC to MD (in PCM). Is the A/D converter in the MD-R1 better than the one in the MZ NH900, so that I can use the MD-R1 to convert from analog to digital (without recording it to MD) and use my MZ-Nh900 to record in PCM from digital or analog output of the MD-R1 at the same time? Thanks for your answer.
  3. twine

    Recording Format

    I've got a question. Does recording from a analog source such as radio plays on audiotape also sound better with HI-SP or SP than PCM? I would like to save my radio plays (the three investigators) on minidisc.
  4. When you use your Hi-MD on the stero system you have to change in the option "headphone" to "analog output", then you will have the same loudness.
  5. Hi Marc Yes I would find it very helpful. Please try to make it. Would this mean that you don't have the restriction for only one upload anymore?
  6. It's right that the Nintendo DS only plays Gameboy Advance and DS games. But for playing old games you can still use your Gameboy Advance SP, also for connecting to Gamecube (for Pacman vs. ;-) ) Perhaps the next Gameboy will be playing all games.
  7. Is it possible to convert every oma file with Hi-MD Renderer whether it's in Sonic Stage or not. So I can upload a oma file from Hi-MD to PC, afterwards move the oma file to the Hi-MD (without using Sonic Stage, but with windows explorer) for archiving. Is it possible to convert it to wave sometime in the future (several times)? Because Sony's wave converter only allows to convert oma files which are in Sonic Stage. Does there appear any fragments or faults by using Hi-MD Renderer? Is it better than Sonys tool? Thanks for your help
  8. If I want to record from my Hi-MD to Total Recorder (over USB) what do I have to do to seccure that no differences between original and copy will be heard? (using Windows XP) Is there any possibility to make tracks without gaps afterwards because Sonicstage can only play two with a gap. Is there no other way to avoid the "only one" upload thing? Thanks for your help
  9. twine

    HD Digital Amp

    Thanks for your help
  10. twine

    HD Digital Amp

    I've got a question concearning the HD Digital Amp of the NH900. Will the HD Amp also be working while uploading recordings with USB to PC or will the recording be in flat? Thanks for your help.
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