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Everything posted by MZ-NH1

  1. I have that warning, but the e-mail address shown is the e-mail address I use :| I will change it and see what happens... brb k changed it and the error message has gone away. on e-mail addresses... if anyone wants a GMAIL ACCOUNT (1GB of storage) private message me and the 1st 6 people will get 1
  2. MZ-NH1

    iRiver vs Hi-MD

    So what does everyone else think? I would like some feed back, because I am seriously thinking of buying this iRiver
  3. Hi, I have a Sony Hi-MD MZ-NH1, and I mainly use it to record myself playing my musical instrument, which I need clear recordings of. I also obviously use it for listening to music, and I must say, after listening to music on my friends CD Discman, I am amazed at how much better quality songs sound on the MD (this of course could be because headphones, bit rate used....) My cousins has just bought the latest iRiver - iRiver H340 LCD Colour screen 40GB, and says it is fantastic, and by looking at the specs it sure does look like a wonderful device. I'd just like to get everyone’s opinions on what they think would be the better unit to use. Fore more info on the iRiver you can go here - http://www.minidisc.com.au/product_info.ph...4d3a87ed3bee849 I myself, if looking for a unit today, would highly consider the iRiver. What does everyone else think, and why?
  4. Does win2000 come with System Restore?
  5. Marc just wondering, when you click 'Latest Version', it comes up telling you what the latest version is, and then saying... go to the web site to download it. Just wondering maybe have that web site linked, in case people don't have your site bookmarked in their Favourites, so that instead of typing half the address, then going back to your program to copy the rest, maybe have it so people can just click straight away on the web site. Just a thought
  6. Lol, doesn't it? Well I didn't install that program :| and it was there after I restarted my PC after installing MD Simple Burner :S Oh well.... I'll just uninstall it
  7. Thanks for the link. Just letting other people know, when I installed MD Simple Burner, it installed InterActual DVD player as well, which I don't want.. :|
  8. Yeh I recon! Please let this be true for Hi-MD's! Unfortunately I can't find anything on the Aust Sony web site about this info though Is it possible though for Sony to actually make the Hi-MD's play mp3's without them being changed to ATRAC3plus? If Sony were able to change the firmware or something with the Hi-MD’s for a small price, then I think they would win back customers. I definitely would get the procedure done on my Hi-MD!
  9. I installed SS version 2.3, but when it had finished installing, I noticed that the ONLY program I had was SonicStage, and not simple burner. Should simple burner have been installed? And is there anywhere where I can download simple burner by itself? Also, when a new version of SS is installed, do all your "Compilation Albums" disappear? Or will they still be there when the different version has been installed?
  10. Are you serious davidrobe10!!!!! If so, then that is fantastic that Sony will actually upgrade the Hi-MD to play mp3 files without it being converted to ATRA3plus. Is this what you are saying? Or have I misinterpreted what you are trying to say? Where did you get this information from as well?
  11. Tested it with what? SS version 2.3? No I haven't, but I don't see why it wouldn't work.
  12. Do you mean you go 'Import' in SonicStage and then select your whole music folder, which say has 100's if not 1000's of music files in it? If you answered yes, then you do what I do. I have 1000's of music songs, that I want to import into SS. What you do, is make sure not many other apps are running, and then go Import, then select your folder, and leave it for say maybe 1 or 2hrs. Then come back to your PC, and all your music should be there. With my SS, it says.. Searching.. Or whatever it says.. And then for maybe 10-30 mins.. When I press Ctrl + Alt + Del, it says SS NOT RESPONDING, but I just leave it running, come back 1-2hrs later, and all my music has been imported Hope this helps!
  13. Well I have just received an e-mail from "Sonic Stage Admin" about the new 2.3 version available. I had to read and agree to lots of T&C, and then finally I was able to download the updater! Now it says. I need to download 40MB of updates, which is fine with me, but of course it is downloading at the supersonic speed of 4kb/s :| with spasms to 130kb/s for about 5 seconds, and then comes back down to 4-7 . Oh well I’ll just have to wait 50mins for it to finish
  14. At 256 bitrate for ATRAC3plus, i can fit around 700 songs i think it was onto my 1GB disc if i'm not mistaken. There is a definate differnece between 256, and 64. I was able to notice a substantial difference
  15. Yeh I bet! A new JB store has just open up in the city (Sydney) Will be a lot better, as it will take 20 mins instead of 40-50 now to go to a JB's store!
  16. Yes it does make some strange mechanical noises when it copies, so nothing to worry about there. Do you live in Australia? as I do, and bought my MZ-NH1 for $590, from a Retravision store, this was by far the cheapest price in Sydney at the time. If you do live in Aust, can you please lets us know where you got your MD for!
  17. Could you explain how to do that in a bit more detail please Latexxx I don’t really understand what you mean. Do you just mean for me to burn the files to an Audio CD, and then copy them back to the PC in .mp3 fomat?
  18. It turns out, that if I do save the file as a .mp3 through Audacity, it is then able to be transferred to my MD. The thing is, I must have 200+ songs that I will need to do this to!!!! Does anyone know of a faster way? Atm, I have to load the song (20secs, then save the song, 30secs....)
  19. Some of them are .wav and some are .mp3 I have noticed that the files I am transferring that don't transfer, when I right click on them go properties, it says they are read only files and can't be edited. So I will try to open them using Audacity, and change them there. And report back to see if it has worke3d
  20. I think I have just figured out why they might not be transferring to the MD. I have clicked on 1 of the files that can't be transferred, and it says, "this track can't be edited due to right protection". If I were to edit/save this track using Audacity, do you think the problem would be solved, and I would then be able to transfer the music files across?
  21. Hi, I have a MZ-NH1, and use to use the 80 min disks, but now I am using the 1GB Discs, and for some reason, when transferring some songs through SS 2.2, it says - "converting" but this only takes bout 5 seconds, and then it transfers to MD in about 5 seconds. I then look at "Length" and it has 00:00 :|, I think go to the folder where the file was converted to and the file size whenever this happens is below 1mb :| When transferring across, it goes; 1-54% then pauses for about 2 seconds then goes straight to 100% all the time! When this happens, the file is never converted. I have just tried putting 4 albums across, and none have worked :@ :'( I have tried all this using a 80min disc as well, and get the same problem I yes I have formatted the discs before transferring onto them. Should I try and use Marc's tool, to convert the normally .wav or .mp3 file to a different file type before trying to convert it? What I am asking, is has anyone had this problem? Because it transfers the files across, says it's fine, but the file doesn't play because its length is 00:00. I also get another problem where it goes, "Cannot find the file path"!!!! So I delete all those files, re-import them, and transfer them to my Hi-MD, and sometimes still get he same problem! Please help me! And YES, I have followed the uninstall guide for SS, about 1 month ago. And it didn’t fix the problem
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