First, sorry for not posting here to begin with. This is an impressive site, I'm surprised at the amount of information. After thinking about your questions, I guess I would have to say that I do want more than just a lecture recording device. I don't do file sharing, so all of my music is my own. I don't know if that impacts the whole MP3 transfer thing. I have read so much about the problems people have getting things to and from the MD, that I am totally confused.
I would prefer a new unit. I like to know the history of my gadgets.
I guess in order of importance it would be:
1. Record lectures.
2. Record live music.
3. Carry my music with me.
I have read that sony is supposed to release software that allows me to put my recorded stuff back to the PC in a "usable" format. That would be nice.
I have looked at the HI-MD devices and they sound pretty cool, but I think you ( aeriyn ) said you probably wouldn't be getting one.
Anyway, thanks for the input!