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  1. from what ive read they are going to offer software upgrades... ive a feeling that this will only apply to the network walkmans and not hi-md players
  2. sorry jadeclaw, i did look... obviously not well enough
  3. i have just read a news report/press release from sony stating that they are revamping the network walkman so it will play mp3's - they are also going to offer upgrades for older models. how is this news going to effect the new sony hi-md? i have no idea, does anyone else? will the atrac/3 restrictions be lifted from the hi-md format also???? any comments, thoughts or even better inside knowledge ;o)
  4. thanx (again!) jadeclaw... i think im beginning to understand the potential and possible limitations of hi-md 's pay day next week and im now more tempted than ever to go buy a mznh1
  5. so i can drag and drop and store music files in other formats as long as i dont want to play them back?
  6. greetings md people my q is related to q2 of arensons original post... am i right in thinkin that i can tranfer/back up all the files on my laptop to hi-md by just dragging and dropping? but to transfer music files onto hi-md i will need to convert them atrac3/+ and the drag and drop procedure will not work? does the DRM only stop me dragging and dropping music files or will this affect the likes of say movies or games that i want to back up to hi-md? any help would be GREATLY received as i am having real trouible getting these type of questions answered thnx
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