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Everything posted by ASC2004

  1. Actually, I did understand as much. However, as I commented in the last post, this installer is not that unsophisticated. Multiple binaries, and a secondary install shield and likely registry entries that would be missed by said method. Nevermind, I'll use an uninstall monitor and write my own script. Was just hoping to save the time if something was readily available.
  2. Well Daijoubu, that would be one method for doing such a thing, however one must take into account that it does not simply download and explode the files into their respective directories. There is an install shield involved, binary files that have to be decrypted and quite possibly registry entries that are made on the fly. Thus, without having to reverse engineer their installer ... I'm just interested to know if someone knows of the existence of a packaged version of SS 2.1 or 2.2 for multi-system deployment. Or if anyone has other suggestions on how to easily defeat the web-installer, the latter would be appreciated.
  3. Just a question in passing: Is it definitive that the marcnet software is not operation with the SonicStage version 2.0 that was packaged with all of our HiMD recorders? Also is anyone using this with Win 2k/does the software make any direct hardware calls? (I've been producing numerous GPF errors with operation of said) If the above is the case, would anyone have the knowledge as to where a full install (ie. packaged) version of 2.1 or 2.2 can be had? The web-installer is unfortunately not acceptable for deployment to multiple machines. Thanks in advance.
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