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Everything posted by teelar

  1. To check out how reliable the Total Recorder method works, I did the following test: - transferred a CD track to the HiMD recorder, using SonicStage 2.1 in PCM mode - uploaded the track from the recorder back to a WAV file, using the Total Recorder method - ripped the CD track directly to a WAV file, this time without using SonicStage A comparision of the 2 resulting WAV files using 'windiff' showed, that they were absolutely identical. The only difference were some additional zero samples at the beginning of the file ripped directly from the CD drive, which had to be cropped off manually before executing 'windiff'. This is a clear indication, that the TR method DOES deliver a bit-for-bit copy, at least for tracks previously downloaded via USB. I assume this applies as well for recordings made from the mic port of the Hi-MD device, although this cannot be checked for obvious reasons. Since one should principally never remove write protection from a disc containing important mic footage, the TR method is probably still the best and safest approach, even if it’s only realtime.
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