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  1. I have also played around with GraphEdit too, I don't think the limit is Sony (or if it is it's in the transform or the reader). I built up a version using WAV Dest and FileWriter and it still doesn't work. If you replace the SmartTee with an Infinite Pin Tee it all works nicely; creating files of the correct size in one go, however the transcoding is done real time. You can replace the DirectSound output on the Inf Tee with a Null Renderer and again get the correct output wav file in one go at real time (you just don't hear anything during the process). I think the issue here is the presence of a valid renderer, and possibly its clock info - I'm not sure about this because the Null Renderer doesn't have a little clock ikon in GraphEdit, on the main path of the process. The only thing I haven't got around to doing yet is building up the Inf Tee version with the Null Renderer in the original code framework and playing around IMediaSeeking::SetRate and accelerating things that way.
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