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Everything posted by watcher666

  1. Hi and welcome! :grin: To answer your questions: Yes it is possible to connect your Hi-MD unit to your PC using a USB Cord (it is, in fact the main method of using Hi-MD). Yes, you can copy MP3 files to your Hi-MD but they need to be converted to ATRAC first. Hi-MD is fully compatable with standard MiniDisc's! all Hi-MD models will play and record on standard MD's in SP, LP2 and LP4 modes. When converting an MP3, then track names etc should remain intact! :smile: Hope this helps!
  2. My main problem with Hi-MD is the fact that it is soooo sloooww! Why, for instance when transfering music does it write to the TOC after ever track?! Recording in real-time doesnt do this so why when using the PC? In fact the whole process of converting and transfering music is very poorly excuted by SonicStage. The way it will convert a track then write it, then convert and write.....Why not Convert and write all tracks simultaniously? Doing this and without the silly TOC writing every track would more than half the time it takes to transfer 1Gig of music!
  3. Hi Here is the manual for your unit! It will tell you everything you need to know! :smile: http://minidisc.amulation.com/manuals/sony...sony_mdm-x4.pdf
  4. Yes, both the RM-MC33EL and the fantastic RM-MC40ELK work perfectly with the 600 and greatly improve it's functionality! The later is the remote that is supplied with the NH1 (3 line, backlit). The ATRAC3Plus conversion is a bit quicker due to the software improvement. No you can only write in Hi-SP or Hi-LP on a Hi-MD disc. (i think)
  5. It's alway's the same...We have to wait for everything! It's not only the UK though, It's the whole of Europe that has to wait!
  6. Hi Yes the remote is fully functional on the 600 as i have one! It greatly improves using the 600 as well, as it look's flash and is easier to use than the display on the machine itself! Also the remote is backlit which is a HUGE bonus! GET ONE!!! You wont regret it!
  7. Hi I have a MZ-NH600, It is an extremely good little machine! It may be made out of plastic but it is very tough and solid and feels nice and robust in your hand. It takes 1xAA battery which last's for about 20hrs playback and is powered by the USB when connected to the PC so recording doesnt use any battery power. I got mine on ebay brand new and sealed for £89.99 "Buy It Now"!
  8. Awwww, i cant wait! We have to wait until March 2005 here in the UK, But i have ordered mine from an importer with Mario64. It should be here in a couple of weeks!!! :grin:
  9. Hi Just wondering whether anyone from the US has got a Nintendo DS yet? And if so, whats it like!!!!!!! :grin:
  10. Hi Sorry to hear about your lost recording! There are few options for recovering a lost recording on MD! I know there is a company here in the UK that will recover the data if you post the disc to them?! Hopefully some other forum members will be able to help you out, i think other people have had some success recovering material.
  11. ahhh sorry! Im not sure there is such a program available to do what you want! Im sure there are programs, but one's that support ATRAC are virtually non existant! Your best bet is to copy all your MP3's to CD, then open SonicStage and rip the CD to your HD as ATRAC 132kbps files! It really doesnt take that much longer (it's the method i use for getting itunes AAC files onto my MD) and if you use a CD-RW wont cost anything!
  12. Hi & welcome! SonicStage should do what you are asking under the "import" section!?
  13. Hi I've just got the 3-line backlit remote from the NH1 for use with my NH600. The remote and backlight work perfectly and really improve the 600. But when using this remote with the NH1 there is an option to have the backlight on the remote permanently illuminated! Does anyone know whether this can still be done with the 600 and how to do it?! Thanks
  14. Well above the old SP-mode? As poven by many, the quality of "old SP" is pretty damn good! http://www.hifichoice.co.uk/review_read.asp?ID=1873 Below is a clip from this MD review: http://www.minidisc.org/near_cd.html And i agree with them! Which is why i have gone back to "Old SP" mode recording!
  15. Hi Which is the best out of the JB940 and the JA555ES? Im not sure whether the JA555ES support's MDLP or not?! Thanks!
  16. Crap Quality? It really isnt that bad. I was the biggest doubter of online music at only 128kbps, but the test songs i have downloaded from itunes are definatly NOT crap! It's not brilliant but it's not crap either! To me it sound's like LP2 and that's after being converted to Hi-SP! Can you give it a go and then report? It's only 79p for a song!
  17. No, your not mistaken! As i said, people who don't mind the LP2 132kbps that connect offer's probably wont mind the 128kbps AAC from itunes! The difference is barely audiable.
  18. Thants ok! :smile: My main point, is that if people like using connect and dont mind the LP2 quality, then using itunes this way gives them the same quality and a vastly improved library of music to choose from! And it's cheaper :grin:
  19. Hmmmm, it's not quite that bad! I've just copied a 944Mb Video file to my Hi-MD (600) and it took a little under 20min's! Not lightning, but ok for backing up photo's etc! It seems alot faster if the Hi-MD is formatted using windows rather than SS, i'll have to do a test!
  20. But i said...... Also, i thought that if you imported the file into SS that it would convert it into ATRAC, but this way the track is not re-coded as it's in PCM and will sound as good as it would on an ipod and is also a good way to do a format comparason! All in all the process took around 45 second's longer!
  21. Hi and welcome! The connection tab is in the "Transfer" section but MD will only appear if you MD unit is actually attached to your PC.
  22. Well the way i see it, Sony seems keen on keeping the MD format in the same casing's etc so the older disc's will almost certanly PHYSICALLY fit into the any new MD machine's, So it cant be to hard to make the machines read the older disc's!
  23. Hi Welcome to the forums! :smile: If your MiniDisc is a Hi-MD and if it's not audio you recorded yourself using a mic, then the only way to get it into your PC is to use a cable and connect it to the "Line Out" of your Hi-MD unit and then into the "Line In" of your PC soundcard and record in real time using Nero or similar. If your MD is just a standard unit then the only way to get it into your PC is to use the cable method above.
  24. Hi I just copied a song from iTunes to Hi-MD, and you know what? It sounded pretty good! :smile: It's so much better than connect! Just download the song you want, Burn it to a CD-RW (so you don't waste a CD) leave it in the drive, open SS and import as a PCM then write to Hi-MD! When written onto MD at 256kbps (Hi-SP) i was very impressed! The treble was just a bit to high but at PCM it sounded really good with a noticable quality improvement! I loved using iTunes before when i had my ipod (which im now beginning to think was faulty as it sounded cr*p) and is worth the extra effort if you want to get your music online! :grin:
  25. Oh! I was hoping Sony would be like Nintendo in the respect that the latest GameBoy and there new DS system STILL play the original GameBoy games from 89!! So the MiniDisc format's in the future will still be able to play back original (and best IMO) MiniDisc recordings!?
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