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Everything posted by DrSiddons

  1. Thanks for replying. Can a playlist be created after the songs have been transfered to a minidisc? ks
  2. This may be old news, but I'd like to know. I've heard a great deal about playlists on iPods. What the equivalent for a minidisc? How do I set it up? Is this something I can do in SonicStage? Thanks in advance. KS
  3. - - - - Has anyone seen the new Mac software yet?
  4. I've installed the latest SonicStage software in a WindowsXP environment. My hi-md recorder mounts as a drive, but neither SonicStage nor SimpleBurner see the recorder. Any suggestions appreciated. Dr. Siddons
  5. Thanks. I'll track that down directly. Dr. S.
  6. I'd like to purchase a second charging cradle for my MZ-NH1. Can anyone suggest where I can find one for purchase? Thanks in advance. Dr. S
  7. Thank you, Qwakrz. I will give this a try tonight. Dr. S.
  8. Alright. I'm downloading ExactAudioCopy. What is the procedure? Do I copy the cd with this software and then use SimpleBurner on the copy? DrS
  9. To dex Otaku - What is EAC? Does this convert to ATRAC3+ HI-SP?
  10. And finally - to all of you - thank you very much for responding! Kevin Siddons
  11. Ooooooookkkkkkkkk......... First: I'll clean (carefully) the CD-ROM lens. Second: I'll give SonicStage a try. Anyone out there having similar experience with SimpleBurner? Dr. Siddons
  12. This response is to jadeclaw: #1: The CDs are new & clean. #2: I couldn't say about this one. If this were true, I would have expected all files to be effected. #3: The CDs are all originals. #4: The CD-ROM is what came with my DELL Latitude CPi. I've been using SimpleBurner exclusively simply because I haven't wanted to clutter my hard drive with music files. I'll try using SonicStage on the files that have the distortions. To Latexxx: Who the heck is "RHCP" or Andrew W.K."? However, no, I'm recording Murray Perahia playing the Bach Keyboard Concertos which will hardly overdrive my headphones. The clicks and distortions, however, do rattle my teeth.
  13. I'm having an intermittant problem when I'm using SimpleBurner. Occassionally, with no predictable pattern, a track will be filled with loud clicks and distortions. The software looks like it has processed the track successfully. But these distortions show up during playback. Anyone else having this problem. It does not matter whether I use Hi-SP, Hi-LP, etc. Thanks in advance.
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