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Everything posted by jacko73

  1. Thanks, Majestic. I'm still not sure how to use it.... when I press it, I see the folder icon on the right side of the display appear but that's it. As of now, I organize groups using Simple Burner. Does that seem right? Also, am I missing something about the group button in the documentation? Other than it being identified in the parts photo, I can't find a thing on it. Thanks again!
  2. Thank you, Qwakrz! I really appreciate the rapid response. I was kind of afraid of that, as that is what I started doing. Now, to figure out what the "Group" button does, since the manual gives almost no info.
  3. Hi... this is my first post! Let me say I really appreciate the wealth of knowledge that this board provides. However, I've been reading post after post but can't find the solution to this problem... Using SonicStage 2.2 on my new mz-nh600d, I get the following message when trying to download my Napster-purchased music... Unable to convert copyright protected content Same with Walmart music. Can anybody help with this? My workaround is to first burn to a cd-rw, then use Sonic or Simple to download from the cd to the hi-md player - very lengthy. No problem downloading to my ILO mp3 player.... tons of download rights still remaining. Thanks in advance!
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