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    biking, snooker, badminton, music!

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  1. I got one of these about a month back now in the uk, so far pretty good in my opinion. They sound great, lookg good, very small and solidly built. Some things you may want to take note of though; usuing the unit in daylight outside will result in the screen becming unreadable (really) and there is a hiss on the unit which is noticable only inbetween songs, however on a unit of this price i wouldnt expect it...
  2. Iv noticed this too with my nh1, using earphones. Above a certain volume level there are deffinitley descrepencies in the volume between loud and quiet parts in songs, i.e. quiet parts seem to be amplified whilst loud parts are restriced to a certian volume. And btw my music is encoded at hi sp 256kbs. Iv learnt to not use the equalizer and surprisingly i find the sound to be very decent and deffinitley not lacking bass
  3. Benju


    haha ok i admit 22 is a pretty high volume, iv turned it down to 17, that is by no means loud to me but i guess i should really try and preserve my hearing :happy:
  4. Benju


    Well after quite a few playback hours, i have discovered that this effect noticablly comes into play when the device its near its full volume (27+ out of 30). To be honest i dont know why i had the volume so high in the first place, not really needed, lol. (I do like my music loud though). i now have the volume set at 22, and the effect is still just about there but cant really be noticed unless you listen out for it. I guess mayb the sound is being monitered at higher levels as to not be distorted? i know on my previous n1 player, the sound got distored at higher volumes... Im still undecided as to wether i really like the sound coming out of the nh1. On one hand it seems very vibrant and dynamic, but on the other hand mayb a little over processed, loosing some precision. i dont know, i will keep listening for now
  5. Benju


    well, the effect seems to be getting less noticable every time i listen, but its nothing to do with the phones or avls, im sure its the way in which the sound is being amplified. anybody else who has an nh1 surely must hav noticed this??
  6. Benju


    Nope. im almost certain its the amp...
  7. Benju


    so yesterday i recieved my mznh1. I have always chose ms over mp3 players (owning a mz-n1 and 707), and hav always been pleased with the sound from these players. ok, maybe the n1 distorts a little on the higher volumes but anyway. My question is howevre to anybody out there with a nh1, about the digital amp. Using the eq settings, the volume seems to be kept at a certain level, (ie quieter parts in the song are amplified, where as louder sounds seem to be contorlled). On some tracks this is more noticable than on others, but either way i always end up noticing it, and its really bugging me, as it sounds very unnatural. sure i could turn the eq of, but using a pair of ex71's, the sound is quite flat. has anybody else noticed this, please tell me it is not just me......
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