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Everything posted by jakewoodblues

  1. Hi -- I'm using SS 2.2. I know that the program stores converted omg files on my pc, but I can't find them. I saw them listed when I defraged my drive the other day, but when I ran a search for the files, or *.omg, it was like they weren't there . I'd like to know 2 things: 1) where does sonic stage hide these things 2) how do I stop it from saving these things Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm losing valuable drive space:excl: Thanks!
  2. Thanks alot! I appreciate your help. Jakewoodblues
  3. I'm brand new to Hi-MD & I love it! Just a little confused & hope somebody can help me. Hi-LP=how many kps? I'm using sonic stage 3.1 & it only shows the kps, not the mode name. Can somebody deceipher this for me? Thanks, Jakewoodblues the newbie!
  4. Howdy -- Just got an MZ420D and am having a blast with it. I have a couple of questions. 1) I understand that there is something in sonic stage that limits the of times you can record an mp3. Is there any way around this. I tried using real player 10 w/the plug in, but, unless I'm missing something, it doesn't support the group function (does it? ) 2) I noticed that as I get near the end of the disc (10-15mb or so left) tags no longer appear. Any way around that? 3) Again, when disc capacity is low, the group function on sonic stage stops functioning. What can I do? Other than these few little problems. I love the little guy. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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