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  1. Thank you for the advice.I got the "Instructions for cloning a MinisDic Toc with a Modern SOny Decks". by david W. Tamkin (dattier@yahoo.com). Do you any procedure to do the same with only my own device SONY MD MZ-N910. I have no MD Desk and being far away from home, am unable to find it here in Vietnam. If no immedaite answer is there any appropriate web site Thanks in advance. Leroux
  2. SUBJECT: How to recover a correctly recorded disk thta becomes suddenly "blank" ? I have been using for one year without any problem a Net MD MZ-N910 Sony. Yesterday I have correctly recorded under LP4 mode, about 3 hours of a very important lecture and discussion. Today I began listening it. It works quite well during a few second. I tried to increase volume with the round button. Suddenly sound stopped and very quickly appered "blank disk" on the screen. As far as I know, the way to erase all files on a disk volume is to erase a few invisible "characters" that allow to read the file. Is there some soft to use from a PC with the USB link to recover my very precious MD files in putting correct character or flags into place , Thanks in advance
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