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Everything posted by pete_w

  1. My HD3 now has a 192k bitrate option see my post over at the Atrac Forums http://www.atraclife.com/index.php?showtopic=42&hl= for a couple of pics. No such luck with my Hi-MD though
  2. pete_w

    Why So Cheap?

    The 600 is excellent value for money. I'm very happy with mine. The European version has both optical, line in and USB inputs and works with the extras i already had from my MZ-N510 (like the basic remote, case and PSU) so no worries there. Just the usual Sonicstage complaints and the fact the euro ones only output 3mW
  3. For anyone in the UK - Argos have the MDS-JE480S deck going for £64.99 atm http://www.argos.co.uk/webapp/wcs/stores/s...roductId=106347
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