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Everything posted by redwingnut26882

  1. This is my address. I responded to four inquiries. I don't know why some can't get thru. Here are three addresses that I have, or leave me a message and I will contact you. The unit is still available. My apologize for anyone that did not get a response, but it is simple. The emails never made it. staceyritchie@hotmail.com onlyair@lycos.com subarududeus@yahoo.com Leave a message on the forum
  2. Andy, This "dude" never recieved your email. Here's the address again. I would really like to be in the loop for the next flame job you deal out. My humble apology for not showing you the courtesy that you most rightfully deserve. staceyritchie@hotmail.com
  3. I record line in with a bass rolloff. My minidisc is less sensitive to heavy bass than my DAT. I usually use 195hz for the MD, and 888hz for the DAT, for small clubs. I am wondering what affect a -20db attenuator cable would have on the numbers?
  4. For sale: Sony MZ-R900 (red), new battery and all accessories except headphones. Unit has only been used to record concerts. Never abused, no scratches, dings or dents. Has been a flawless performer. Only selling to fund a move to HI-MD. $80 plus shipping. Please contact me for more information, questions or pictures. Thanks staceyritchie@hotmail.com
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