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Everything posted by bockers

  1. Well I have found the solution. The error only occurs if you try this option without the HD player connected. Connect you NW HDx and you will find this option works without problems. John
  2. Has anyone esle got this problem. Tools:Options then Transfer settings. Now if I choose Atrac Audio Device Sonic stage crashes. John
  3. Is it not about time we included all Atrac players/recorders in this forum. I have been using minidisks for years from MDR35 right up to the NH1 and both of our cars have MD decks. However I just got a refurbished Network Walkman (NW HD3) and all I can say is Wow! Have all my track in Atrac 132 and the quality is fantastic. Only downside is navigation through 300 plus albums. I know this and the later units cannot record but should we not open up the forum and have a section for Hard Disk Atrac players? We all have to deal with CronicRage so it would serve a common interest in at least one area. Just an idea as this forum has been an excellent source of news and advice for all things MD. It would be good if it covered HDs too. John
  4. Well I bought an XAC 30 The XAC 300 only allows two sources and is only any good for a PC realy. http://www.incarexpress.co.uk/view_product.php?partno=XAC30 This allows 3 Bus Compatible units to be used on the one Head unit. I hen bought this: http://www.connects2.com/pdfFiles/english%..._STALK001_1.pdf It's is for an NW HD1 but works a reat with the NH1 too. The Sony head unit now shws track and album names too... very slick. I can now also use the steering wheel controls too move up and down tracks and albums. This enables me to leave the NH1 locked in the glove pocket. The unit isvery good, the NH1 shows as a CD multichanger and when switching back to the Radio or another source the NH1 powers down. Anyone alsoe tried this set up? I now have a 10 disk changer and six disc MDLP unit in my boot. A Sony SP Minidsc head unit and Hi MD unit up front in the car. Should keep me in tunes for some time.
  5. bockers

    Cronic Rage

    I have been using Socic Stage and Open MG for years, amazingly without problem!! However version 3 is the pitts. Cntinual crashes and slow opertaion. Progress? Not a great start to 2nd Gen MD
  6. I see sony now produce the Sony XA-300 (Expands Existing Autochanger Control Head-Units). This has a USB in so has the potential to play audio from the NH1 and display all the track info and control the unit all via the Car head unit. This XA300 has the added bonus of still allowing uou to plug in an MD or CD changer. Has anyone had any experience with this?
  7. I have seen on my web travels and aapter for an NW HD3. Supposidly you plugged the adapter ino the remote and it woud allow you to control the unit via the Car Head Unit, Plus the Head Unit display would show the track info etc that normally appears on the in line remote. Looked very good but will only work with ceratin Head Units. I presume this would also work with an NH1 as they share the same remote interface. Anyone else seen this?
  8. Contrary to the brief on the Minidisc Home page the Hack DOES work for the NH1. I have just applied it and this gives me the extra colume form level 25 to 30. I used the US code and can now drown out the worst of the music in my local Gym.
  9. Any news on whether Sony, or anyone else, will be in troducing any Hi MD compatible Car units I finaly took the punge and bought an MZNH1 and am now enjoying the fruits of Hi MD, a Car unit looks a must. Even using Hi-SP I can have Ten discs in the car and cover 70 hours. Of course a Multi Changer would be even better then Ii could keep my existing head unit. But I fear that is asking just a little too much! Any news on introduction of this into the UK? Cheers John
  10. I have been using Minidiscs for years now but need to upgrade from NetMD as I want more music per disc. Nearly all my discs are in Atrac 3 LP2 encoded. I find the sound quality excellant for my needs. Tried LP4 but it was just a bit too lossy. The question is.. how does the Atrac3 Plus HiLP compare? Is it the same or slightly better? 10hrs vs 4hrs is quite a difference on a reformatted old disc. I am back in the MD market after trying out an iPod for a few days. Sound quality was lousy comparred to my NH1! Thanks p.s. Am I the only person who actally like Sonic Stage :ohmy:
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