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Everything posted by lewis

  1. The most obvious way would just be to record it good old analogue style with a line-in. Digitally, I'm not so sure.
  2. Hey, thanks for the tips. However, when I use the MP3 tool I get a message telling me I need 'sonicstage 2.1 or better' installed. But I have 2.3 installed. Any ideas? Thanks.
  3. Hello everyone, Just got my new NH900 today. A very handy forum here. I have a question though, at the moment I'm just trying to get Sonicstage to add my music folder to the 'My Library' thingy. I have quite a large MP3 collection (about 13 gigs) and its been running now for about half an hour, the computer has pretty much frozen up and nothing seems to be happening. Is this normal? Any answers would be much appreciated! Thanks. Lewis
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