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Everything posted by Tourist

  1. The MD pouch might cover the mic jack, and you're also going to have trouble reaching the controls. Though I suppose you could start recording, put it on hold, and put it back in the pouch. Mic down the shirt is a good idea. I drop the cord down behind the buttons and then fold the mics back into the shirt under the top button, pull them out and clip them to shirt or glasses when the lights go down. Thread the mic jack through your belt loops, put the MD in a pocket. Two words: baggy pants. Or a buttoned shirt pocket.
  2. You can put in any name, email, country and (random) serial number in the Asia Pacific registration and get the software.
  3. Kurisu, don't you have a Japanese model? What does its remote display?
  4. Labor is required to figure out what part is malfunctioning. Some skill is also required to replace whatever has gone wrong. Without labor, a parts warranty on something as intricate as an MD unit is pretty worthless.
  5. Well, it just skipped on a different disc, so I called Sony Support. Think you have a one-year warranty on your Hi-MD? BWAH HA HAA! You have a one-year parts warranty and a 90-DAY LABOR warranty. That is, the one-year warranty is really a 90-day warranty. In their incredible generosity, Sony will exchange a dysfunctional less than year-old HI-MD for a refurbished model for just $31.95. No idea what the guarantee is on the refurbished one: 30 seconds? newest oxymoron: Sony Customer Service
  6. I recorded two concerts in PCM on a 1G Hi-MD. Seated shows, with the unit fairly still, not being knocked around. Battery gauge reads full. On playback (also with unit still, sitting right here on my desk), there are two kinds of gaps: one that doesn't return if I rewind and play back the same spot, and one that is apparently a silence in the recording. I tried to transfer via SS 2.3 to see if it was some playback problem in the recorder, and the upload goes along and then just stops, leaving nothing in My Library. (But not preventing the attempt to upload it again, with the same results.) What do the experts thinK? Bad disc? Or problem with the unit? It's an NHF-800, and hasn't acted up before.
  7. Hello to all. Check out the first gig since 1981 by the original lineup of the G ang of Four at livefrommd .
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