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  1. There are sources (Delphi7) which are attached to the first my post.
  2. I'm sorry , I can't publish this source code. The program is a "freeware". ... There are some features which you can change in the Windows regestry (after first running the program will keep settings in [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AleXoft\HiMD] key).
  3. actually these are two files: a) in "Rich Text Format" -to print it & place in the HiMD box 2) in "CSV" format - to make own music database using Microsoft EXCEL When you use the mic in or the line in extracted information might be wrong I use this program for my music collection compiled on PC from mp3 or wav sources.
  4. hi, i wrote simple Hi-MD music structure reader http://home.graffiti.net/alexoft/himd_idx.zip This program extracts audio data information from Sony's index file TrkidxXX.hma which is located in YOUR_HIMD:\Hmdhifi folder. 1) start the himd_idx.exe (you can find it in attachment) 2) press "Run" button 3) select TrkidxXX.hma from your HiMD.(you need connect your player to PC using USB cable) 4) select output rtf file. Program was tested on WinXP. In case if you recorded tracks from mic(line in) some problems might be occur. ... ok, sources for Delphi7 -> himd_idx_src.zip himd_idx.zip himd_idx_src.zip
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