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Everything posted by MusicBringer

  1. I have on order a new NH900 and I am awaiting delivery. I have been using a standard minidisc for a number of years. However, there is something I am not clear about. I should be grateful if you would tell me a bit about these different formats ATRAC3/ATRAC3plus/Lineair PCM.
  2. Just ordered mine. Don't NEED it, but hey, at Seventy quid I'm not leaving it there
  3. I carry a second gumstick. It's surprising how often I need to use it. It was worth laying out the eight quid or so.
  4. Wow imkidd57, what a write-up! You've certainly explained a lot of things for me. And yes I grew up with reel-to-reel. I bet you remember taping Alan fluff Freeman on a Sunday afternoon. Yeah, me too. I have a number of daughters - I think it was three at the last count. I guess they are like yours growing up and taking control. I encourage it. They can look after me then. They know more about the video side of things so I'll be talking to them about this Thomson box. Sounds as if it is what I want for music/radio, and I bet they won't moan about the TV bit. The missus hasn't said much which means "I 'spose you're going to get one". Now which shops do you suggest I try...
  5. Hope all goes well for you imkidd57 - let me know how you get on. I am esp interested in the sound quality. How close does it come to the everyday "CD Quality" we all talk about.
  6. Hello imkidd57, this sounds like an interesting option. It is one I shall consider myself. Do you have a Thomson DHD4000 PVR? How good are they. So, can you record like, a three hour radio programme (Bob Harris) onto HDD and then copy the bits you like onto standard minidisc.
  7. Please clarify something for me. I know what Atrac is, I use MP3s, I understand the difference between lossless and lossy. What I cannot understand is PCM. What is it?
  8. Some weeks I do the sound at Church, when I pin the radio mike on the speaker, I tell 'em to keep it short as I've only got one tape! I think your only answer is to limit the minister to a certain amount of time, according to the space you have on your CD. That'll make you even more popular. PTL
  9. You must tell me the preferred places to go in Tottenham Ct Rd. I use Fairdeal 76 Whitechapel High Street. Well worth a visit - Take Cash
  10. This is similar to the question people ask about where does my money go. You are asking where does your time goes. The problem is we ALL have the same amount of hours in the day. To some it's too much to others it's not enough. You cannot buy any if you are short, you cannot sell time if you have too much (like sitting in a hospital bed all day). You are stuck with 24/7 whether you like it or not. Anyway, my advise to you is the same advise I give to folk who cannot budget their cash. Write It Down. Make a note of what you do. Break it up into 15min slots, put it into categories. Record *everything* for a week. Then look back on what you have spent time (or money) doing. From that you can say yes that was good use of time/money, or NO. I shall nor spend my time doing so and so again. You choose How you spend Your time. And if others are demanding your own time, try saying yes ok - but not now. I've this to finish first. It is good to finish what you have started. That reminds me I just started a beer. I think I'll apply myself to the task in hand and finish my beer. Cheers!
  11. yeah me too. I record Bob's show(s) - have done for years. I don't use DAB at all. I record from FM Tuner direct to Minidisc deck, using standard MDs. The sound is adequate but nothing fantastic. Although this is far far better than recording from the Listen Again facility. That is absolutely awful quality (crap is too good a word to use!).
  12. What a small world. I use Fairdeal. Have done for years (cassettes, diskettes, batteries, and so on)
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