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Everything posted by iainm

  1. Hello forum! I'm new here but I've poked around through many of the messages already posted and could not find the answer to my question. I recently recorded for a friend his band using a Denon Professional Dual Deck Minidisc recorder to which I no longer have access to. Thinking I could get this data off the MD and onto a computer using my girlfriend's new Hi-MD Recorder (sony model MZ-NH700). I can listen to the disc and it appears to be in regular 'MD' format stereo. When I go into sonic stage and try to transfer the file back (although I've since discovered that may be a bad idea?) it tells me it was put on the disc by another computer and that I can not remove it. I'm using sonic stage 2.1.02... How do I get the music off now? I tried figuring out how to play the music iside sonic stage and record the digital feed on USB that people have been talking abuot in other messages -- I coudln't figure that one out but maybe that is because my sound card doesn't have a 'WAVE" option in the record volume settings. Anyway, can anyone help me out? thanks, Iain.
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