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Everything posted by Turbo7MN

  1. Not many MD units have mic inputs, especially new ones. If you really wanted direct USB uploading to a computer, Hi-MD would be the only way to go, and the ones with mic-ins are expensive. For your purposes I would suggest a Sony MZ-R700. It's an older model, and there are tons of them on ebay. The MZ-R900 has adjustable mic sensitivity and a line out mode, which may be better for recording the stuff onto your computer, but they are quite rare and pretty expensive.
  2. Forgot to mention, it must have the remote.
  3. I've decided its time to complete my collection of old-school MDLP units. After using my mom's R900 for a while I really want one. I would prefer buying just the unit itself without any accesories other than the battery and possibly the AA adapter. I prefer silver, but I'm not picky -Darren
  4. I finished it last weekend and it works great. Here's some pics. http://www.teamfc3s.org/forum/showthread.p...&threadid=39696
  5. Yeah, you pretty much simplified what I already stated Except of course I will be splicing the output from the tuner instead of the cassette deck and it will lead to the graphic equalizer instead of the amp. I did leave out the ground though, whoops. I don't think you could do this to any radio, only ones with seperate components that are joined together by external wiring/cables.
  6. I just wanted to get some MiniDisc peoples opinions on this. I know it's kinda long and hard to follow, but I tried to clear it up in a later post. You guys might not understand the "S4" references. It basically means any 1986-88 model year Mazda RX-7. http://www.teamfc3s.org/forum/showthread.p...8133#post428133
  7. This is quite common on the R700. Mine started doing it, so I crammed a 4-layer wedge of paper between the case and the headphone jack. I't's been working a lot better ever since.
  8. My MZ-R700 has done that too, whenever I would carry it in my pocket while moving it would seem to skip a litte, then for a while it would skip even while it was not moving. That seems to have fixed itself, although I ended up getting a cheap MZ-R500 as a beater unit to use when I have to carry it in my pocket for lond periods of time. Another thing about your volume button issue, I thought I was having a similar problem, but it turns out that the vol buttons are positioned in a way that you put a timy amount of pressure on the headpgone jack when you touch the button, assuming you use your right hand. Another very common problem with the R700 is the headphone jack gets messed up and a little pressure will cause to sound to cut out and distort. Cramming a 4-layer wedge of paper between the case and the jack fixed it for me, I don't know if it would work for you. Wiggle the jack around a bit to see if the sound changes at all. Good luck. Not bad for a first post, eh? -Darren
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