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  1. The 800mA is the max. current the charger will supply. It looks like you need less than this so it should be OK (The voltage out is the critical bit, and that's the same).
  2. Audacity can start up configured to mono, there are places to change it to stereo (try File->Preferences->Audio i/o - at least that's where it is under Linux) - I expect someone else can help with the scratchy - can you set the output on that model to Line out rather than headphone? and some soundcards have seperate line in/mic inputs - line out from the MD to line in on the sound card would probably be best. ... oh yes, check the input levels in audacity - if you click on the downarrow by the microphone icon (top rightish) the drop down menu has a monitor input setting. So you can set levels before you start recording. Chris
  3. Thanks for the reply Phew .... SS3 downloaded and installed. So far so good, I'm just throwing a few random tracks onto MD to test. Maybe I'll take it along to tonights folk session and see what the live recording's like. Chris J
  4. My MZ-NH900 has just arrived (lots of rustling paper noises as I unwrap all the bits - wow they've actually included opt. cables!) What's the best next step for installing software (I've been reading a lot of scary stories here for the last few weeks!) Should I plug in the CD and install everything then upgrade, or go straight to the SS3. link. (This is my first NetMD so my PC should currently be clean of any Sony stuff.) (OS is Win 2000 Pro / SP2 - I'll look into SP3 before I go further tia Chris(Edited to change OS win200 --> Win2000 :-)
  5. Thanks for very prompt reply (in spite of the "neophobe" label ) I'll check out the deck , and I've been lurking on the Hi-MD software issues (scary) so I'll try and use whatever it takes! Chris ps ...and also thanks for putting topic in more appropriate place - the range of topics can be overwhelming.
  6. Hi - a query I'm putting some of my vinyl onto CD via MD (the music stuff is downstairs - the computer stuff is upstairs), so I'm using legs-net to transfer the bytes. Is there going to be any appreciable difference between using the stereo stuff optical out -> MD optical in and straight line out-> line in. Details: The optical out is generated by my old Yamaha MD deck from the amps analogue signal (from the vinyl) . I currently use the deck to record an MD, but this is going through ATRAC compressing then out via my MZ-R90 line out to the computer. I'm going to get a Hi-MD when the dust has settled and then the upload to PC will be digital - so I guess my question boils down to whether the A2D in the Yamaha deck is better or worse than the one in a Hi-MD tia Chris
  7. I believe that marking as a gift may still incur tax if the value is over around £35 They add whatever the duty is (this may be a few percent or 15% depending on item and whther we're putting surcharges on for some import/export argument or not) Then they add the postage, value of item and duty all together and stick VAT on top. You can end up paying 30-40% extra, but this is extreme and more often it ends up around 25%. Educational is an interesting idea - I'll have to look into that, but it may not get you off the VAT.
  8. S'funny, I was wondering the exact same thing. My R90 Is great - I got it just before the LP2/4 came out , but decided not to upgrade at that point. Then at New Year, I was looking into the MP3 HD players with mics, but opinion said the record quality was poor. I've only just realised that Hi-MD has come along! So do I take the plunge now, or wait till the 2nd gen. stuff comes out (whenever) and everyone starts knocking a bit off the price of the MZ-NH1 or selling their's so's they can upgrade ...... decisions, decisions! Chris J.
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