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  1. For some reason, the shuffle play setting on my MZ-NHF800 will only shuffle through songs within directories, not between directories. It has shuffled through songs before, but I haven't figured out what I was doing differently. Does anyone know how I can easily change this? Much appreciated. THanks. SP
  2. I download alot of live shows (ie. archive.org) that are in ogg and shn format. As I want the quality, I like to import them in *.wav format. The main problem with this is when tapers post their shows, they are usually too big to fit on one disk, so multiple disks are usually used. The best way to import these to sonicstage is to make an image or *.iso file out of each disk. This can be time consuming, especially if you are using NERO. Today I figured a way to fit multiple disks into a single *.iso file, then import them into sonicstage. Why not just import them directly into sonicstage? Well then you have to keep a bulky wave file on your harddrive. You need Riverpast audio converter (or something to convert ogg or shn to 16-bit, 44,000mhz audio), UltraISO, and a drive emulation program like Alcohol 120% or the like. You just simply go through the steps of audion conversion, creating an AUDIO image file using ultraISO, and mount your image file using Alcohol 120 or the like. THis works very well, I just imported a two-disk concert = 1200 mb and it worked well. The main advantages of this method are basically that you do not sacrifice quality - you can import using whatever ATRAC bitrate you like, and you don't have to keep a bunch of bulky .wav files on your harddrive. Any further comments or suggestions are welcome, especially open source versions of the software that I mentioned above. Cheers, SP
  3. I am just curious if there are people out there that may use a more efficient program for MP3 handling other than SS 3.1 . I was just wondering, because I hate the way that ss organises the tracks, and I am wondering if people may use something else for organising, editing tags, etc. Cheers
  4. Sorry my bad: AMD Athlon 3400+ Ati Radeon 9700 M-Audio Audiophile XP home SP2
  5. For some reason, when I try to go through my music library on my computer, sonicstage 3.1 just skips through all of my songs without playing any. I have tried to backup, restore and reinstall sonicstage, but none of these things seem to work. Has anyone else had this problem. Could there possibly be any software conflicts with mediaplayer, quicktime or vlc? Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
  6. Hello all, Although new to this site, I have been doing live recordings for a couple of years now. Although I have an older model MD recorder (Sony M-R700), I don' t think that should matter. The problem occurs when I am recording and the machine simply shuts off. This is irregardless of the battery level (I always use brand new ones). Now this problem doesn't happen all the time, and I have recorded some excellent shows. However when it does happen, it drives me crazy. I thought it was model specific, but my buddy has a newer net MD (Sony as well, I forget the exact model) and the same thing happens to him. I think that I have frigged with most variables, however if someone is aware of this problem and things that may have worked for them it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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