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Everything posted by maurfra

  1. For HD Digital Amp on new Sony model you can check in these pages, you can do a copy paste of theses addresses in Altavista Web site for translation japan to english. But you can see the logo for digital amp on the description in the left of the page. I am not very happy the new MZ RH 10 with OLED screen, has no HD Digital Amp. MZ RH 10: MZ RH 10 MZ DH10P MZ DH10P MZ EH930 MZ EH930
  2. No HD Digital Amp in the new Sony RH10 with Oled screen ??
  3. Hi : What's the difference between Digital Amp vs HD Digital Amp ? Do you have a lot of difference ? Because I see on the new unit of Sony, the RH10 has no HD Digital Amp (with OLED sreen) ... only DH10P (with camera) or 910 (with no OLED) have HD Digital Amp Thanks, François
  4. Yes I have visited the web site of Sony in Japan and I see in the web page, that in the web page of the RH10 it's only a Digi Amp. You have a HD Digital Amp only in the MZ-DH10P (with camera) or RH910 (with no ELD) ... in the RH10 you have a ELD with a Digital Amp only.
  5. Yes it works with AA's, but it has a Digital Amp only no HD Digital Amp like in the MZ-NH900. I hesitate to buy a MZ-NH900 or a RH10 ?. What do you think about this ?? Thanks, Francois
  6. In Canada MZ-RH10 it is not available, in April normaly. Do you have a battery like in the MZ-NH900 battery rechargeable who can be replaced ? or an internal battery ? Thanks, Francois
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