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  1. so the response was mistakenly referring to the 900 and not the 910 right? So what ARE the substantive differences between the rh10 and the rh 910? Is the display the only thing?
  2. If you check out cnet.com's review of the rh10, the latest user commentary complains about the transfer time of music onto the media. (By the way, he has some pretty scathing criticisms of the whole format which would be worth addresssing here. Here's the link: http://reviews.cnet.com/4864-6490_7-312994...655&ctype=msgid) Now, I thought one of the selling points of the hi-md was the rapidity with which you can transfer music. I believe Sony was saying that you can transfer a CD in 40 seconds. Since I don't have any ATRAC files on my computer, I would be starting from scratch. How long will it take me between the time I put a music CD in the cd-rom and the time that the contents of the disk are fully transferred to the hi-md disk? Thank you.
  3. Shoot! You could have brought me one here in Aix-en-Provence.
  4. They won't deliver it outside of the UK Any of you kind British Isles types care to send me an NH1 to France, and I'll paypal you the cost plus a little something for your trouble?
  5. I actually took the leap and TRIED to order the MZ-NH1 for 109 £ from Amazon UK, but they won't ship it to France where I am presently. Nothing seems available here in France domestically. Any ideas how I can get one shipped from the UK? Another question, I permanently reside in the USA, but will be in Europe for a couple of years. Do the minidisks' power supply contain automatic voltage conversion or I do I need to purchase that separately? (I recall having seen this discussed elsewhere, but I'm too lazy to look it up)
  6. How can you get the japanese import in Europe?
  7. Thank you very much for that informative response Ipaqman..... that's exactly the kind of info I was looking for. Now, among the 2nd-generation hi-mds, would you say the rh10 will perform as well as your nh1 or is there another unit you would recommend especially for the kind of recording I'm interested in? Thanks again.
  8. didn't get any responses in the other thread, so I decided to start a new on here. I'm looking very closely at the second generation hi-MD, especially the rh10, precisely because I'm interested in the recording possibilities. I play classical guitar and it would be nice to make decent, easy, cheap recordings of practicing, ensemble rehearsals and performances. Now, there are more and more HD-based players that have recording functions. Most notable are the iRiver H3??, Archos and Creative... My question for the group is, how does the live recording function of these hard-drive based players compare to the minidisc? Will one or the other clearly provide better "field" recordings? Another quick question--I assume the Sonys can be purchased with extended warranty in case something goes wrong with the unit? Thanks y'all.
  9. pablito


    That sux What is sony's mysterious philosophy regarding the inclusion of a radio or not?
  10. pablito


    Do any of the "second generation" hi-md models have a radio? There, edited to make it absolutely clear and unambiguous. How about an answer?
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