hello my problem started with an error on my nw-hd5: CANNOT PLAY TRACK ERROR i took a look to my manual and it tells me to transfer audio data to the player again with sonicstage(ss). but if i try to do so, there comes an error pop-up, and tells me that it was unable. ok, then i thought i could just delete that corrupted track, but it crashed ss and sometimes the pc doesnt recognise the usb device anymore. then i have to reconnect the device. if i want to open the band-file with the corrupted track in ss, it crashes too now i have the problem that i get more and more corrupted tracks, which i cant delete or reapply to my nw-hd5. i still use ss 3.3, i had no problems before that. maybe i should switch to 4.0+ ? is there any way to delete those tracks? or do i have to initialize my hdd? hell, i dont like to do that, it needs time to get some hundred cd's transfered. and if i initialise my hdd, do i need a firmware update again? thanks in advance oliver