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Everything posted by weiswang

  1. Well, just as I'm so happy that I dug out my past music devices (and old memory), I started to desire more. Well, human --- you know. ^_*. Then I became frustrated --- after a few hours of working around I could have my Windows 10 recognize my Hi-MDs and capable of editing them but I just can't transfer my digital music to them with SonicStage 4.3 (English)....... It simply tells me: can't be transferred.
  2. Folks, 10 years have passed and we, well, we have been living through such an unprecedented decade: just as we thought IT had changed the world, it transformed the world again! Who is still using her/his MiniDisc player(s)? What is the verdict now for RH1 vs. NH1? As for me: 1. I dug out my RH10 and found its OLED completely dead but it still plays well. (and all my MDs and Hi-MDs are still well) 2. I got a hold of a second-handed NH1 and i’m listening to it right now (Greatest Hits of Vivaldi) 3. Considering getting a RH1, just to remember the good old times. (Well, are there any left with working side OLED now?) Greetings from China: Hope you all well!
  3. Sorry, missed several posts. Got the point: HD digital amp is a bit fishy...
  4. That's quite a lecture, very comprehensive! Thanks! So, do you think/know that "HD digital amp" (in SONY's term) is really better than "digital amp"? How different? Is this worth paying for the extra?
  5. umm, bad news. Really? mp3->OMA makes the quality worse? I didn't know this --- I simply assumed that digital to digital, though compressed, is always lossless unless you lower the bit rate.
  6. Is Marcnet's a free software? Where to download? This really makes me (anyone else?) upset --- what's the point supporting mp3 when you have to use SonicStage to upload them? Converting from mp3 to OMA doesn't take much time given the current computer power. Sony is, ummm, so unique.
  7. So, recently, MP3 support from MZ-RH10 and MZ-RH910 has been a very exciting news for hi-md fans. But is this really the mp3 you think? No! Actually, guys, I just find the current MP3 function of Hi-MD meaningless. Why? Because you have to use SonicStage to upload them. Given the current computation power, what makes this process different from converting them into the SONY format? Absolutely no difference!!! Unless SONY provides the USB load & play function for MP3's, there is no point to cheer for its current MP3 compatibility at all. It's much more a business trick than a functionality improvement.
  8. You know what, guys, I just find the current MP3 function of Hi-MD meaningless. Why? Because you have to use SonicStage to upload them. Given the current computation power, what makes this process different from converting them into the SONY format? Absolutely no difference!!! Unless SONY provides the USB load & play function for MP3's, there is no point to cheer for its MP3 compatibility at all. It's only a business trick!
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