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Everything posted by silence

  1. Unless your audiobooks are musical there is no point to have them in WAV - My advice is find a friend with a Mac and convert them to mp3 or easier yet, load them on iTunes and save them as 40 bitrate mp3 you should be able to fit your entire book in one CD after that. Most audiobooks are mono. so make sure you do not waste any space making a stereo track. The 206 minute limit could be the 2gig limit that most PC audio programs have. Try a Mac if you want to edit the WAV or mp3's Good Luck - Just curious -What are the audiobooks about?
  2. silence

    Newbie W/ Rh-10

    Hi Kate Very simply put: The basic difference is the new formating to your md disc and new higher density discs available. If you want to stay with your old format discs you can as a matter of fact you can use the old type minidiscs - when you reformat them you get much longer recording time than 80 minutes. as much as 2 1/2 hours on depending on the compression you choose. In your shoes ( i would look funny) I would use mp3. if you like to just do an analogue upload ( real time ) to your pc like you used to, you can. there are NO copyright issues if you are just recording with a mike and not via a digital a/d of from a CD, so you might want still to use sonic stage- up to you. Don't stress - is the music you are after not the techology. Unless you set on a mission to prove a difference in sound between the different formats, it won't jump at you. Enjoy your new toy
  3. Yodobashi Camera in Shinjuku is about 10 to 20% cheaper than anyplace in Singapore or Tokyo for that matter
  4. You can find them at 3 places- Funan Centre on North Bridge Road Sim Lim Square at Bugis Junction Orchard Towers 3rd floor - at the head of Orchard road My favorite is Sim Lim Square followed by Funan Centre- Make sure to bargain
  5. silence

    What A Week

    Sorry to hear about your mini Jimmy- can you try to play your discs on someone elses player? Isolate that problem first before you spend any money. If it works, you can always buy the same model on ebay. Enjoy your birthday. It is no use to spend too much time on technology at your age. the real magic happens with people. happy birthday
  6. drsoram You need not worry about the subliminal information disappearing in the transfer, I worked at studio where we made such tapes ( originally) CD 's later for psychologist and you can actually copy to compress media and not lose the message. some companies who sold products similar to yours tried to scare their customers from duplicating the product by claiming that the message would be lost - The fact is NOT TRUE . feel free to duplicate to any medium you chose. Cheers
  7. Check out the news: http://macdailynews.com/index.php/weblog/comments/5509/ http://www.t3.co.uk/news/default.asp?paget...ubsectionid=753 Maybe things will change for the better
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