Hi Kate Very simply put: The basic difference is the new formating to your md disc and new higher density discs available. If you want to stay with your old format discs you can as a matter of fact you can use the old type minidiscs - when you reformat them you get much longer recording time than 80 minutes. as much as 2 1/2 hours on depending on the compression you choose. In your shoes ( i would look funny) I would use mp3. if you like to just do an analogue upload ( real time ) to your pc like you used to, you can. there are NO copyright issues if you are just recording with a mike and not via a digital a/d of from a CD, so you might want still to use sonic stage- up to you. Don't stress - is the music you are after not the techology. Unless you set on a mission to prove a difference in sound between the different formats, it won't jump at you. Enjoy your new toy