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  1. Yeah, what's up with that? I spent 20 minutes on the phone with a service rep the first time trying to explain what I needed and another 15 minutes with another rep 2 weeks later before the box and shipping label finally showed up; now I'm afraid to send mine in! Will be curious to hear if yours comes back with the issue corrected! -Steve
  2. Yes; I believe we've established that as received, this software only works with the M10 and M100. I have an RH10 with the Mac software but haven't had time yet to investigate if it's possible to change the codec ID to make the software think I'm uploading from an M series. Has anyone tried this yet? -Steve
  3. Well, let's see what FrzzMan comes up with Personally I don't consider emulators a good solution; in my experience they never work quite as advertised. I'd rather spend my money on another computer, if a native solution doesn't show up. -Steve
  4. Generally the newest external HD's marketed for Mac's have both USB2.0 and Firewire; Apple actually seems to be moving away from Firewire in favor of USB2.0. FrzzMan, if you figure out a solution for using HiMD with OSX I'd like to hear about it; I'm a long-time Mac user but went with MD because I decided it was still the best solution for what I needed: a portable high-quality miniature field recorder with cheap media capable of long recording times. However I'm resigned to getting a WinXP machine as a second computer to deal with uploading and editing my recordings, assuming Sony doesn't release a version of SS for Mac's (not likely IMHO but I hope I'm wrong). -Steve
  5. I'm not sure I fully understand this. Does the 20 for US/Canadian come from the service manual? What about the owners who reported their unit was set to code 21? Can anyone verify that 20 does actually work? -Steve
  6. I can verify that my US/Canada RH10 was initially set to 21 as purchased; I changed it to 24 to get the full alphabet for title entry. By the way, regarding the lack of title editing using destination code 24, this code doesn't prevent you from entering titles for tracks you record from a live source, in case anyone was wondering. -Steve
  7. Using the service hack to switch the profile from 21 to 24 restores the "missing" letters. I'm still not quite sure what I'm giving up by switching the profile from US/Canada to whatever this is (Japanese?); haven't found any missing features yet... -Steve
  8. I just had a disk fail on me in a similar manner, recording on my RH10, except although I'm a MD newby I don't think this was a RTFM situation; I didn't do anything except attempt to resume recording after having paused the unit, and the battery had a full charge so it wasn't a power issue. The MD was a scratch disk with just a few home recordings so I let the recorder try to reformat it when it but it can't even do that! Since I currently use a Mac and don't have a PC with SS loaded I haven't tried your recovery method yet. I'm at least happy to hear that this isn't a common problem with Hi-MD! -Steve
  9. I think somebody already mentioned this in another thread, but the "missing" characters aren't really missing, they're just off to the right of the screen where you can't see them! You can still select them, you just have to count your button pushes. Stupid Sony! -Steve
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